What to do if someone is in cardiac arrest

If you suspect that someone has gone into cardiac arrest, there are some simple steps you can take right away that could mean the difference between life and death



Natasha Schwertley I laugh because I only believe in male, female and true hermaphrodite. Everything else is pretty much just based on feelings. A person claiming they are the opposite gender or anything else just because of how they identify while their chromosomes still show XX and XY Means that they are focusing on feelings way more than factual science based biological information. I was just sharing that article because you were asking someone to list what can easily just be shared and looked up But it doesn't mean that I believe in that information as I don't. Male, female and true hermaphrodite which is so rare that not even a percent of the population are actually such. Everything else is a delusion based on feelings

Natasha Schwertley I don't believe that ignoring chromosomes is following science and chromosomes determine if we are male or female. If a duck gets raised with dogs and seems to think that it is a dog and identifies as a dog is it actually a dog or is it still a duck? If that duck goes through surgeries and others such to make it look more and sound more like a dog does it become a dog or is it still biologically a duck? If you can't change your chromosomes you can't change your gender. Pretty scientifically Sound with biology. You can identify as something different but it doesn't change what you biologically are that can be measured by science through chromosomes and such
