House GOP lays groundwork for Mayorkas impeachment as moderates balk

Senior House Republicans are moving swiftly to build a case against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas as they strongly weigh launching rare impeachment proceedings against a Cabinet secretary.


Charon van Tellingen Because every time it comes the dems will not address borger security. Immigration reform is worthless without border security. Also they refuse to stop chain migration and a means test. My grandparents came here in the early 1900s the legal way through Ellis Island. To become citizens, they had to learn english, renounce their country and swear a oath to the US. Both of my grandfathers had skills that the country needed at the time. Most importantly they received no government assistance. They rolled up their sleeves and went about the task of building the country. See the diffrence?

Cathy Ann The American Rescue plan which passed without one Republican vote has already helped families, small businesses, schools and local governments very red state.. Just in case you missed it Senator McConnell and Governor Beshear were at the site of a bridge that is finally getting fixed after years of neglect. There were other bridges in Maine and Pennsylvania. Are you aware that there hasn't been major repair to our infrastructure since Eisenhower? I am neither brainwashed nor uninformed. I don't consider safe roads and water or children's healthcare a waste but the 2017 Republican tax Bill that favoured the wealthiest and big corporations and exploded the national debt without helping everyday citizens whose benefits will expire in 2025 were a gigantic waste of money.

Pretty sure the problem at the border is a systemic, bipartisan issue on all levels of government. But it’s not surprising that Republicans are trying to crucify one person to cover up their blatant hypocrisy and failures in order to pursue their “tough guy policy,” that is literally impossible to articulate but magically is supposed to solve all domestic and foreign problems.

Except of course it didn’t, even when the “big guy” was in office and was only being foiled by his own incompetence and that of his fellow party members.

They are nothing but professional finger pointers who pass the buck hoping that will add bucks to their pockets.

John Plunk Why does that matter. It was opened by Republicans doing opposition research and when Trump won the nomination it was picked up by Clinton.
The Dossier is just OR. I know that in your echo chambers it's some kind of crime or hoax, but only because you M.U.S.T. have that mole hill be a mountain.
Remember when Trump was saying that Cruz's father was in on the assassination of JFK?
He defended coming up with that gem by saying it was just opposition research that led to a possible connection. He shrugged it off.

When OR is done to HIM, though, Well OMFG! It's treason!!!!
Cry me a river.

I don't care if the DNC paid twice what the dossier was ever worth. It is just opposition research. It showed some interesting and some silly possibilities. Whatever.
