White House shifts into damage control mode as document scandal worsens | CNN Politics

"The stakes could not be higher for the president as he struggles to get a grip on the situation," writes Stephen Collinson | Analysis



Blue Wave Liberal It does not bother me really. I have heard that it is not uncommon for some classified documents to get mixed with unclassified in government. It is how the person responsible in the matter handles the situation. The difference between trump and Biden in this could not be more different. Biden is handling that fine, letting others investigate the situation and being straight forward in the mater. Trump lied and obstructed. With trump even though what he knowingly did was very wrong, if he had just cooperated and returned the documents, nothing would have happened to hold him accountable for it. His actions in the matter made it a crime he should be indicted for, not that he had any classified documents at all. Republicans are the worst of the worst for refusing to see this, and to see the difference of the two situations. One is sloppy, the other is criminal intent. Not just saying that because I am a Democrat either. If I thought Biden was shining people on, I'd be close to the first to point it out.

Biden's situation has been pretty underwhelming so far. I seriously doubt he's losing sleep over it. The media on both sides is speculating about how terrible this is when the FBI hasn't really said anything. I think it is far from uncommon to turn up a few classified documents in old White House files and even the files of Congressional Representatives that have been shoved aside until someone decides to go through them. I know they get stuck in folders with other papers and forgotten about even in the DOD. There are just so many classified documents, literally billions of them, that the government can't keep track of them. So, you have to look at precedence to understand how insignificant the problem is. Trump's troubles are something very different.

Wendy Palm well 46 and Obama left the white house in January 2017, so the documents were moved that time, and the office in the Penn center wasn't even opened until February 2018. So it is common sense that they were moved more than once. The point is that the archives knew Trump had the documents and they told him to put them in a closet with a lock, which he did. There is secret service at mar a Lago. Was there secret service in the Penn center? No there wasn't. Stop making excuses, he got caught. End of story.

Democrats leaked this document issue to the media because they know that Biden has served his purpose and no longer helps them. They rallied around him in 2020 to avoid having Bernie Sanders as their nominee and sold Biden as a moderate while hiding him in the basement. They pretended that he is doing a great job for the first two years and hid the document information from the media before the midterm elections to avoid damaging Democrat chances in the midterm. Now Biden, who is a dementia ridden buffoon, is no longer of use to Democrats and they don't want him to run in 2024 (but they can't openly say that), especially if his opposition turns out to be a young, smart, very popular governor with a beautiful family named Ron DeSantis. Picture that debate. Democrats can picture it too. So they are kicking Biden to the curb.

Clearly, both camps hurried to get documents out of their offices. Clearly, both were careless. There needs to be designated security personnel to be at the packing and removing of such offices after a term. The problem is one is cooperating while the other didn't which caused the FBI to do what they did. Having said that, the best thing the DOJ can do is work with Congress to set guidelines so these documents don't get misplaced. in doing this, drop the cases on both trump and Biden. Even though trump probably did obstruct justice in lying and hiding, it's not worth the political firestorm. Anyway, trump has enough other legal issues with giving him and the GOP reason to cry fowl.

Teya Shearing again, ignore the issue and turn attention towards Trump.
Why is it any different to spew against democrats
than it is republicans? (and who started the spewfest to begin with?
I know you believe everything you say, but remaining blind to the reality of your inept "hero" just because you hate Trump makes you a little hard to take seriously.
YOU brought Trump into this thread that had nothing at all to do with him.
Not long from now, you are going to find that you've been left behind on the Joe Train. All of your propaganda machines are turning on him.
If you can honestly watch Joe and not see that there are cognitive issues, your blinders are not doing you any favors.
So much HATE from a liberal is sort of self-defeating.

Stephen Gross And then TRUMP can not run for Pres.--He took and kept the Gov documents. No-one is allowed to keep any Government documents,-they are the record of events that happened to America doing their Presidency. Does not matter if Classified or declassified Whether Top Secret or not-ALL GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS . There is a right way to get documents back out of the ARCHIVAL DEPARTMENT. Just taking as you leave the WH is the wrong way. -These documents are history. And after trump was asked for months ,he still did not return them. WHY NOT? He still has some-Joe keeps giving them back.= Why does Trump want to change or cover up history?==INTENT --They both had-government documents- both WRONG -It is important why would trump not give them back.?-

Cheri Christensen
Oh ok…you said you liked him…now you are basically saying you weren’t a fan, you just chose his worthless a** over Trump…and his policies (like the infrastructure bill) has cost us billions and we won’t see the benefits for decades, if ever…that bill, like all his other “policies “ have so much crap in them ..that won’t benefit us..but we are still footing the bill…
And he is not decent…and he’s not honest…but to so many of you who voted for him…”he’s not Trump” and the rest of us have to live with your bad decision from that vote…

Krystian Cieslak HA HA _normal people censor? I said REP-. REP governors-- Florida- Many different state Rep governors.-Rep school boards-Rep Libraries- censored Books --Control what is said and read and everything to do with CRT-Black history--GENDER/ sexual Issues- -And hey the control laws passed are REP/ based .-ABORTIONS- Voting Laws---So cut up a Polish name - What about yours?- Typical REP Hypocrite-----Sounds Polish to me?--------------Is Cieslak a Polish name?
Cieślak (Polish pronunciation: [ˈtɕɛɕlak]) is a Polish surname,---- ------What does Cieslak mean in Polish?
son of the carpenter
Polish (Cieślak): patronymic meaning 'son of the carpenter'----------------------------------------------------------------------What is the most common last name in Poland?

The Most Common Surnames in Poland
NOWAK. 203,980.
WÓJCIK. 99,098.
KOWALCZYK. 97,537.

10ºGina Pickering Gina Pickering And since when As a nurse do I even know any ones political views. I had been a bedside nurse for over 40 years. So you know what? And I see your tolerance too- NONE-I did not say anything about education. I said censorship done by REP. I did not say anyone were dumb. Tell me-NURSE_ why do the Rep votes for the WEALTHY CEO/Bosses and not the regular workers? What about Medicaid.?-Most REP do not ACA ?-Well before it Many MaNY Americans had no Health Insurance. Unless they worked full time and had good benefits-usually with a union. And rep do not like Unions. I never said a dame thing about not being educated. I said censored information by REP. YES--Nurses care and Love everyone .Not just who trump/ Fox or CONSERVATIVE news people tell you to care about. God loves all his children even the immigrants that REP hate. -I am tried of all the GOP crap Conspiracies and one sided bias. Have a good evening --I have a life that needs me.-----------I never said anyone was uneducated Get the whole TRUTH -
