В ДТП с грузовиком и микроавтобусом под Тулой погибли 9 человек

Девять человек погибли в результате серьёзного ДТП в Тульской области. Авария произошла на трассе Калуга — Тула — Михайлов — Рязань. По данным МВД, микроавтобус Volkswagen Transporter выехал на встречную полосу и врезался в фуру, после этого обе машины оказались в кювете. По факту произошедшего возбуждено уголовное дело https://ru.rt.com/nmck Организация Meta Platforms Inc. (соцсети Facebook, Instagram) признана экстремистской, её деятельность запрещена на территории России по решению Тверского



Is Australia heading the same way as the USA, Naw Zealand, Great Britain (UnLawful Prime Minster, UnLawful Lord Mayer of London), France, Germany, Canada, etc.
The VOICE has caused great confusion, concern and division in NSW ZEALAND.
What do you think it is going to do right here in AUSTRALIA?

President Biden and the radical Left have weaponized the FBI.

It started with raiding President Trump's home over documents.
Then it was investigating parents as "terrorists" and arresting pro-lifers.

Now President Biden has been CAUGHT with classified documents in his home, private office, and garage.
At first, the DOJ declined to even conduct a search.
Only after a Special Counsel was appointed was the FBI finally forced to search Biden's home.
And now classified documents have been found in VP Pence's possession?

The radical Left's weaponization of the FBI (and all Deep State agencies) would end up as a nightmare for the USA constitutional republic.
Every American – of all political persuasions – should be outraged.

The weaponization of the FBI is not only a mockery of justice but also a danger.
It is WAY past time to investigate the FBI.

The Russia hoax, the leaks, fabricating court documents to spy on Americans, the raid on President Trump, shutting down the Hunter Biden investigation, imprisoning pro-lifers – ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
We here in Australia must stop them before we are under the same Dictatorship.