Biden administration unveils renter protections

In response to rent payments soaring across the country, the new actions protect tenants, make renting more affordable and improve fairness in the rental housing market.


Joey Benke hedge funds owning millions of homes, artificially creates scarcity and drives up price, same can be said for landlords who own 30 plus homes. I believe in a free market, but also a FAIR market. Allowing certain basic necessities like shelter, to be hoarded by a few, artificially inflates price. Now if we were talking about Ferraris, I would agree with you as that is a luxury item and people should be able to buy as many as they can afford. But basic life necessities such as shelter, food, water ect…ect the markets for those should have oversight. Also, property tax homestead exemptions need to be doubled. Else you will see seniors being forced out of their homes.

Kathy Connors that may be true, but not all apartments. Take section 8 housing. The vouchers only cover 70% of the rent so if the applicant doesn’t have enough income to cover the 30%, the landlord does not have to accept vouchers. In addition to that it can be more difficult to evict a section 8 tenant so most landlords are inclined to not take that type of payment. Nor should they be forced to take that kind of

At one time we had section 8 housing developments, that the government assume the responsibility and the rent but as always the people over seeing that were found to be stealing money from the program. However, that would be the correct way to handle this, but then again at scene is redlining or discrimination or  segregation

I agree both the rental market and the homebuying market is a mess. But I don’t think the government is the one who’s going to fix it. I think they are the ones that contribute to the costly amount of each of these. Brand new apartments just went up in my neighborhood. One bedroom 624 ft.² unit is $1600 a month.

Construction cost her up, and that includes all the deed work and the permits from the government. No one bills, simple, starter units anymore neither in the home industry or the rental industry. Everything has to be top of the line and that cost money.

Landlords have a right to protect their investment, and they should have a right to rent to whom they choose, based on income and credit scores

Something needs to be done. I had my rent go up three times in less then a year. Why. Well old landlord upped it one hundred dollars. Then sold the places. Forced the people downstairs to move di new one could move in. New one gave us only three month lease or get out and upped the rent four hundred dollars. Fair market he said. Finally gave us a yearly lol ease after three months. Upped it another fifty dollars. I am sure other have had this and worst happen. No one can afford to move. First, last, sec. And moving expenses.