RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel elected to fourth consecutive term

Ronna McDaniel has been elected to a fourth consecutive term as chairwoman of the Republican National Committee.



Brian Sweeney $2 gas was because of a pandemic. Obviously, supply and demand is over your head.
(people call Republicans dumb because you always always come through with the most uneducated wacko bs). No planes flying. No cruise ships going out. And a shut down. Who was using gas? No demand. Plenty of supply.(1+1=2).
Now we have to recover from a pandemic. The market is hinky but if you Google, you would realize that we are avoiding a recession and prices are going down on items. But you’re a Republican. You love corporate greed. Even if it robs you first. That’s the only way your comment could be interpreted. You voted for politicians that gave the largest tax cut in the history of this country to the 1% that holds 90% of the wealth. Y’all are brilliant!
Oh… your vote was the same as the Nazi party, white supremacist, and the KKK. Could you be more on the wrong side of history???? The Nazi thing was a hard no for me on its own.
You’re a clown .

Brian Sweeney And the high prices for gas when Biden became president had to deal with corporate greed. I feel like I have to dumb down. Oil companies in this country made $174.4 billion in profits for 2020. 92,000 leases signed by Trump and Biden. Zero drilling in this country. So no overhead. They just raised the price because of greed. Information that is right at your fingertips.
FYI: the President of the United States has nothing to do with oil prices. If he did, why wouldn’t he just drop the price? Critical thinking not a strong point for you, huh? The fact that you aren’t embarrassed is just really funny!
(I called you a racist and it didn’t bother you at all.️)

If YOU owned a company that paid its employees 170k yearly,AND Always hired immoral, incompetent unqualified turds to run/ruin it, you wouldn’t be in business very long . I’m afraid the business of running America is failing because of
REpubliTARDS that vote for idiots that don’t have a clue about- - - - - - well
They have admitted they don’t like the system , that they can’t even comprehend
And plan to tear it down, even after their failed attempt on Jan 6th . For the entire Trump regime we heard “if you don’t like him, leave” so why don’t they take their own advice. Putin needs them and their WMD’s

Are you guys ever going to be honest? Are you capable of being honest? Do you ever continue to research anything after the research starts to tilt away from your desired results? You keep talking about how the midterms where such statement of approval for Biden's REDICULASS policy's. Republicans picked such radical candidates. Your telling me fetterwomen is a good candidate? It's a PROVEN FACT again that the DNC along with the corrupt FBI, DOJ, social media AND YOU tilted the algorithms and lied on air about facts. Joe Biden's insane speech's buying the votes of gullible idiot kids by promising something that not only is illegal but impossible to get thru Congress. HE CANNOT SHIFT DEBTS from the person who signed the contract to his next door neighbor. IT'S UNCONSTITUTIONAL. And even with all the cheating, ballot harvesting and the rest of the scumbag deals made your corrupt, triatours fascist regime building candidates only won by the slimmest of margins. I personally was hoping Ronna was going to lose. It only means we still have work to do. I CAN be honest. The party still has to many McConnells in it. We need to declaw and unseat these deep in the mud swamp dweller's sometimes called Rino's. Have a good day. If you need a loan, I've got ten bucks I'll throw in towards some ethics or integrity if you ever decide ya want some.

Chip Ziegler - "Trumpism" is what ensured "RED KETCHUP STAIN" on the Mar-a-Lago dining room wall instead of a "Big Red Wave" in the 2022 mid-terms.
Thank you Donald for promising the "BIG AMNOUNCEMENT" right before the election. Donald Trump's continued 2020 stolen election nonsense, Election Denier Candidates and the gift of SCOTUS overturning Roe vs Wade fired up Democrats to expose the autocratic policies of the current GQP and get out the vote no matter how many voter suppression obstacles the Republican controlled states concocted.
Trumpism is the reason the GQP lost the House of Representatives in 2018.
Trumpism is the reason that the two Democratic candidates won their Senate run-off elections in Georgia to give Democratic control of the U. S. Senate in 2020.
Trumpism is the reason that Trump lost the the Presidentcy in 2020 by a landslide including the Popular vote by over 7 million.
Yes, Trumpism is even the reason that the California Governor recall was defeated by such a landslide in 2021.
In fact, there was no logical reason to expect Donald Trump would win the 2020 election. As the leader of the GQP and Trumpism, Donald J Trump is a BIG LOSER. A boat anchor on the Republican party.
Here's proof:
- MANY smart high profile influential Republicans renounced Trump before the 2020 election as a "corrupt danger" to our Country. This and common sense caused millions of mainstream Republicans to participate in FIREING HIM!
- Donald Trump NEVER led in ANY reputable poll leading up to the 2020 election.
- He NEVER even achieved a 50% approval rating at any time during his term.
- Even though Trump says that he got more votes than any other sitting President. So what, Trumpism encouraged massive voter turnout to FIRE HIM by over 7 MILLION VOTES.
- Several down stream Republican candidates lost "special elections" during Trump's term partly due to his overwhelming backing, (Trumpism).
- He lost his attempt to strong arm Ukraine into starting false INVESTIGATION'S against the political opponant that HE KNEW would beat him, (Joe Biden), getting himself impeached for the FIRST time in the process.
- He lost his attempt to dig up dirt using Giuliani, Barr and the DOJ in order to somehow turn people against Biden instead of relying on his own record for reelection (ha,ha). It didn't work.
- He lost the House of Representatives in the 2018 midterms to the "Blue Wave" that formed to oppose his awful policies and Trumpism.
- He lost the Senate in the 2020 election by his medeling in Georgia causing both Senate Republican runoff candidates to lose, flipping the Senate to Democratic control.
- He lost about 60 attempted court suits (many by Trump appointed judges) in his attempt to overturn the election results - including the Trump rigged Supreme Court because they didn't find merit in his nonsense.
- Trump LOST his illegal attempt to strong arm the DOJ into "just saying the election was fraudulant" so HE and the "Republicans in Congress" could promote more disinformation and division.
- Trump also lost his ELECTION TAMPERING attempts to get several state officials from different states to change the election results in his favor.
Face it, Donald Trump LOST the 2020 election – by a LOT– and his poor little ego was shattered putting him into a DELUSIONAL state of denial resulting in THE BIG LIE.
- So then, after the Electoral College certified Joe Biden's win, Trump lost the coup D'etat attempt that Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro orchestrated. A plan Republican Congressional members assisted with and backed. A plan to get Mike Pence to use an alternate set of electors during the joint session of Congress to certify the winner of the 2020 Presidential election.
Trump lost his "Stop the Steal" attempt at having his cult followers mob the Capitol to prevent the joint session of Congress from certifying Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 election. This of course earned him his SECOND IMPEACHMENT. The ONLY REASON the Senate aquitted him was because he was already FIRED by the voters. However, Mitch McConnell's speech on the Senate floor right after the verdict said it all.
- He FINALLY LOST the PRESIDENCY when Congress certified the election of Joe Biden.
SO, now that all of Trump
backed Election Denier candidates for key positions in swing states LOST, what makes Donald Trump think he could win in 2024??