Double-amputee shot and killed by police; family claims excessive force used | CNN

“The way they killed my son, they murdered my son in a wheelchair with no legs.”


Chuck Collins Oh! Yes sir! Tell that woman, Jenna, what to do! You MAGA? You must be! You order women to show their courage? Barefoot and pregnant is how you like women to be? I’ll say one thing, I’ll bet she has more courage than you’ve ever had She will willingly grow another human inside her and whine very little if at all. You on the other hand, hell, any of us men, would be taking birth control and making men use condoms, and use spermicide, pull out, give head, hand jobs, anything to keep from becoming a human balloon and scarring ourselves on purpose for life.

PiaSteven Dietrich To become a cop in the Nordics (Norway, Finland, Sweden and Denmark) it takes minimal 3 years to become a police and that the lowest grade. The lowest grade to become a police officer in the USA is 6 week's... Yes you can take a bachelors degree in the USA but that of cop's are usually not out and patrol the street's..
That means in the Nordics get the respect from the public because of their better training on of those things is to talk properly to the general public. Even people use bad language towards the police they don't run the risk of being arrested or abused by the police officers... And that is how people build trust to the police. That's Europe in general with exceptions in parts of Eastern Europe...

Teha Rashid yeah, im stumped too. I mean dude was running as much as he could at them, hit him with a big pillow, the wheel chair, long stick. Not sure. Seems like taser didn't work on him and many others they ended up just shooting and justifying with their own safety. Not sure where we can all agree when enough is enough. It easy for us to sit and judge when we not in that situation of that moment but where does policing the police matter anymore. Lots of grey lines, cops/victim actions, responses to those actions, when is it OK when is it not?

Not everyone reacts the same and not everyone likes being treated the same.

What we do know is dude didn't care about his life or the one he took and then he put it on the officers to make a hard a decision also. Lots to discuss with so many situations and disagreements on policing going on right now.

Wait? What? CNN
Tried to down load the video, it would not down load’
But going off the written article .
The parents said he was double amputee that liked to dance
The victim said a black man got out of a wheelchair and attacked him! Stabbing him the neck!
Someone is lying!
How about doing a little investigation!

Had to go to another website to see what happened!
Yes the bottom of legs were gone because of previous crime that he committed! Which you didn’t mention!
He was able to get out of the chair and run down the street!
And he just tried to kill somebody who is in critical condition right now at the hospital!
So it’s not so cut and dry as your trying to make it out to be!
