What is mifepristone, the drug at the heart of the Texas medication abortion lawsuit? | CNN

The lawsuit from anti-abortion advocates claims that the drug mifepristone is not safe and that the FDA didn’t study it enough to approve it.



JotoTodo Pedro Bootyguy's Watch Party of Planes Trains and Automobiles Currently the bans have made having a wanted pregnancy deadly and dangerous . Women and girls have suffered organ failure , sepsis , ruptured Fallopian tubes , hemorrhaging for more than 9 days , emergency hysterectomies, and being placed on life support all while trying to carry a wanted pregnancy to term . Drs will not proceed with a medically necessary abortion until death is imminent ( minutes away) putting a woman and girls life and health in grave danger . Women and girls have endured hours long ambulance rides across several states to get a life saving abortion . Why would any woman or girl try to carry a fetus to term in a forced birth state she did not intend to keep ?
