Man who was wrongfully convicted and sentenced to 400 years is freed after 34 years in jail | CNN

“I never lost hope and always knew this day would come,” Sidney Holmes, now 57, said when he learned he would walk free.


For those who wonder how this could happen, it's nothing new when convicting people like this man. He wasn't the first and he definitely won't be the last, because the (in)justice system was set up in the very manner that doesn't give certain people the chance to prove their innocence. And because the color of his skin has always been seen as a weapon, he and many others like him are automatically guilty.

This country has a history of condemning Black people of crimes they aren't guilty of, mainly based on the testimony of a so-called eyewitness. And for those who are guilty, they're convicted at a much higher rate than a non-melanated individual who did a similar crime.

Emmit Till was murdered behind a lie a white woman told. Susan Smith initiated a national manhunt for a Black man behind a lie she told on national TV. Thankfully her lie was uncovered before any innocent Black men were executed on the streets before his day in court. Ahmaud Arbery was murdered by vigilantes behind what they thought of him as being a thief, executing him on the streets and got away with murdering him for about a month.

No matter what was/wasn't done to prove this man's innocence, the intentions by the courts was to make sure he paid the price at all costs. His skin color is what makes him guilty in a system built and created in ways that have always been in favor of mzungus.

He should be allowed to get any local, state, federal government services for free. Life time EBT with $1000 mnth on it And a pension a retired 4 star general gets. He served his country in a way no one would ever want to do. He took the time knowing he innocent, just so we can believe in a system that is flawed. Many will chalk it up to, “well it’s not a perfect system”. Then let’s take care of him for his sacrifice. He a soldier!!!!
Then we wonder why people out here exercising their 1A by recording all their day to day. Only ones having a problem with it is government. Can’t record in here. Why not? Cause you don’t want the world to see how corrupt the system is. GTFOH!!!!!

And people would still deny this happens. People would still deny the presence of bias and unfair sentencing. There are people who commit far worse heinous crimes who received lesser sentencing.

My goodness gracious! I have always said I would rather be a fugitive in another country than go to prison for a crime I didn't commit.

I would be suing everything and it would be in the millions upon millions. I may not be able to get back my 30 something years but best believe, I would be compensated by the millions to do all the things I can that money can buy. And the state, the attorney general's office, the police force where I was arraigned better pay.

David Guenthner, say what you mean to say! I see you claim to be a “follower of Jesus”??? Hmmm, you know those who murdered Him had the same sentiment as you spew but perhaps your love for trump trumps your love for this Jesus??? What happened to live your neighbor and not just the neighbors who look like you do??? What happened to the compassion of Christ and all that Christianity stuff… guess you have no clue about racist amerikkka or perhaps ya do??? It’s racist but ya probably knew that before you typed your comment (hey?) ya can’t be a follower of Jesus and hate His creation! This land was made for ALL MEN (in my Stevie Wonder voice) ya can’t straddle the fence either your for Christ and HIS creation or your against…examine the scripture KNOW that ADAM was not White nor was Jesus , being a Christian and going to church doesn’t make you godlike neither does standing in your garage claiming to be a car. Hypocrite!!!

This is one of the ways that they use to break black men and black families... acuse them of a crime that they probably know the person didn't commit, lock them up for many years, then one day, find out that the person was innocent all along. Now, you get out of jail old, with nothing to support yourself for the remaining future you may have.... just happy that 'that day finally came around ' But you are BROKEN internally. Even if you get paid millions...that in nothing compared to the memories you would have created with your loved ones. I'm glad Justice has been served... (but at what cost?)

Louie Espiritu Kálmán
I don't have to look up anything, I am the history of this country.
You talk too much and I make no apologies for my rebuttal to your willful ignorance.
I stand firmly by my statement I would not give you a hug.
You know nothing about this country.
You reap the benefits off the backs of others.
You talk too much arrogant a non based arrogance.
In Kuwait we used to call people like you a sandworm. You only come out the ground when someone peeps in the dirt. Your only source of nourishment.
The person you're talking about not hugging is more of a citizen of this country then you could ever be.
I'll give you all the time you need to think about that.
I'm standing down!

George N Mtonga Clearly, keeping this man in prison was a horrific mistake. And the justice system is far from perfect, but let's not indict the entire justice system because there was not available DNA technology at the time that the crime was committed.

DNA profiling today is a far cry from what it was in 1989. "A DNA profile may have been created at the time of the crime, but no match was found during the initial criminal investigation. This problem is now easier to overcome thanks to current database technology, which allows for DNA profiles to be stored and quickly searched. Alternately, DNA profiling advances have also enabled law enforcement to exonerate people who were wrongfully convicted of crimes they didn’t commit."

I am so happy to know of his release and I wish him the very best that his new life has to offer.

And Donald J. Trump... the biggest conman in the United States, is walking free and living life as if he were an innocent man... guilty of no crimes at all. Never mind he was charged and found guilty of FRAUD twice and bought his way out of them... tax evasion, incited an insurrection, bribed leaders of other countries, pay hush money to prostitutes, friends with Jeffery Epstein, and involved in all that..... and I could go on but I am sure you get the picture. So, what kind of Justice does the United States have? Depends on the colour of your skin it seems whether you are a criminal or not. #DISGRACEFUL #NOJUSTICE #CONMAN

Only 35 of 50 states compensate those who were wrongfully convicted. Here's Florida's rules and why there needs to be federal regulations in place. Exoneree Compensation, A wrongfully convicted individual found innocent by a prosecuting attorney or administrative court judge is entitled to $50,000 (adjusted for cost of living increases) annually, up to a maximum of $2 million, as long as he has no prior felony convictions.

$2M for 34 years on prison!!!

This last sentence is problematic. If you're wrongfully convicted and incarcerated why would any prior felonies exclude you from being compensated. That's probably why the chose this person for the crime in the first place. Yes, chose, because that's how a lot of these wrongful convictions occur. They get someone in their cross hairs and that person does not stand a chance!! Many will even take a plea deal, as a result and those that don't are left to languish in prison!

10º400yrs only a mayo racist judge wud with that much hate in his evil mayo heart cud deliver such an outrageous sentence to a innocent Blackman, I have a suspicion that judge had a inkling at the time he was not guilty but blinded by his hatred of coloured folks. 37yrs like so very many black men wrongly incarcerated ad up all yrs that've been stolen from them, may number into hundreds of yrs all together. All due to pure hatred of skin colour. Those evil souls thee devils advocate that hide in plain sight. After all we live herein.
