Inspired by a trip to Indonesia, Snoop Dogg launches new coffee line | CNN Business

Snoop Dogg is expanding his business empire yet again


Shauna Banta I guess what has me upset is how some of today society will attack you just because your rich or any form of. When In fact some people who are better off with wealth actually give back and help out like Snoop dog.
For example- say I invent a neat super helpful household device, a lot of humans could use and benefit from said device. I sell a million units and become wealthy. I would then become what some in society call the problem.
People are getting upset at a domino effect. Don’t get me wrong Jeff bezo could and should pay his employees an amazing wage. But even if he did, he’d still be filthy rich and people would complain. Hopefully that makes sense I’m way better I’m person at talking
