English professor in Florida says university terminated his contract after a complaint over his racial justice unit

He said he believed “the timing of this is not a coincidence,” and pointed to rhetoric from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and other “far-right politicians and activists” around subjects including race.



Sandra Letterle - Some things are necessarily left out in history classes because time is limited and history teachers have to condense their lessons, just like teachers do in every other course. Singling them out for doing so is nonsensical and shows the lengths to which you have to twist your argument to support your agenda.

And, last time I checked, teachers have been giving their own opinions for as long as there have been teachers. I for one am not afraid that my parenting will be undone by a teacher. But, then again, I usually agree with educated people.

I am so sick of people making b.s. up in an attempt to justify or legitimize their hatred. There is no legitimate reason for keeping children uninformed about slavery and the Holocaust, for example. Unless of course you're on the wrong side of them.

Having worked at several universities around the world, I know it is usual practice for universities to have a program of goals and objectives for each faculty person to complete over a period of a few years in teaching, research etc which they must fulfill for tenure etc. It is a collaborative process and sudden terminations are rare because a quality university works in partnership with their faculty and it is not advantageous to fire faculty in whom you have invested resources and so forth. Even if a contract is up for renewal a quality institution would seldom let a faculty member go unless they did something very wrong. This course had to have been approved by a department or curriculum.committee before it was taught.

Ken Lugo - Your reasoning is completely flawed. CRT doesn't make whites looks bad. Whites look bad because their enslavement of blacks was cruel and indefensible. Suggesting that we bury that truth because it makes you uncomfortable shows that you've learned absolutely nothing from our past. You're completely devaluing blacks again by suggesting that your offended sensibilites are more important than their history and victimization.

You know what makes whites look way worse than crt? Trying to bury the truth of our past, making laws that further victimize blacks because we're ashamed of our past actions, and basically everything the Rep. party has done in the past six years.

Ken Lugo - I agree with you that indigenous people have been victimized (how could I not?), but the fact that you think CRT is your enemy shows that you've been drinking the Kool Aid. A major focus of CRT is to bring to light the victimization of blacks. It might not bring to light the victimization of indigenous people BECAUSE THAT'S NOT WHAT THE COURSE IS ABOUT. A geometry class doesn't focus on calculus, and it would be assinine to fire or criticize the geometry teacher for not teaching calculus. Just like it's assinine (for example) to criticize a breast cancer foundation for ignoring prostrate cancer. Get it? Other victims aren't your enemy -- the people victimizing both groups are. Congratulations for falling for Rep. b.s. and whataboutism and perpetuating it. Why the hell are you attacking crt classes instead of asking why there aren't more classes/programs focusing on the victimization of indigenous people? Because the Rep. Party has you thinking you have a common enemy that isn't them.

Patti Bansbach drinking what kool aide exactly? So crt is to study the victimization of blacks by leaving out keys factors and concentrating only on the white side of it? That’s hilarious and pathetic. To not tell
It all is exactly the same thing
As blaming Whites for not telling
Actual truth. Let’s look at the real history of how it went instead of the let’s by pass 700 years and focus on what happened in the United States. We’re not going to mention that northern Africans we’re taken as slaves in the eighth century by non whites and were castrated. Strong African tribes realized they could take weaker tribes and sell them for wealth. This continued for centuries and then Africans starting selling there own to even more wealthier buyers for even more wealth. Talk about victiminazion. Africans victimizing their own. Again something they learned from non whites in the eighth century. Yet it seems that crt will only focus on the white part because any other truth would make their African ancestors look bad. So once it again it seems that crt has one agenda and it’s really not about all the truth but only certain parts of it Let’s also correct you on your lack of knowledge of people. I don’t support either party. Voting for any white person only
benefits two groups of people. The rich and white. Which I’m neither. I love when non indigenous white people use their privilege to tell this non white indigenous person what I am and what I support. It’s the only thing you can come up with. Like I’m suppose to think and believe what either political party says. That would kinda be like slavery wether it’s the democrat or republican party. Whites and their way of thinking never ceases to amaze me. This where you once again tell me who and what influences me and my thinking. God forbid that I don’t support either party because I’m sure it’s law that says I’m suppose to.

Patti Bansbach nope. Weird becuase crt tells nothing of slaves being taken in the eighth century and being castrated by non whites. Then African tribes realized they could capture and sell their own for wealth. It
Continued for centuries and then when whites became involved it became the white mans fault. Yet it was African selling their own to the highest bidder for wealth. CRT here is about two groups of people blacks and whites. Which I the last time I checked neither is indigenous here. The concentration specifically on whites and not others proves what it’s about. It’s far easier to not mention the other non whites that took slaves in the eighth century and focus primarily on whites.
The fact that you think crt makes me uncomfortable is hilarious. The fact that you think I’m devaluing anyone is even funnier. That’s what crt is about but again only focusing on two groups of people and only picking certain facts. Talk about devaluing people. As a indigenous person I laugh at it. My ancestors were almost made extinct for everyone else to have. A better place to live and then complain how bad they have it. Crt burying a lot of truth and focusing only on the what makes whites look bad and concentrating only on what happened to non indigenous people. You use Rep. Party only is even funnier. Literally the the Dem party is the bigger guilty party in this. I know that 1965 civil right acts changed everything. Even though dems controlled the presidency, house and senate and it couldn’t pass with out republicans voting in favor of
It. Just like the 13th,14th and 15th amendment amendments. To also
Include it taking republicans to pass the 1924 Indian citizenship act. Imagine that. Indigenous people made citizens in their very own country and land some 60 years after blacks. So again it seems that crt is focused only certain truths and not all. Especially when it’s focused only on two type of people. I can continue for you. New Jersey takes down a Christopher Columbus statue because it’s considered offensive to indigenous people. It was replaced by monument of Harriet Tubman another non indigenous person. That’s not racist or offensive at all. That’s some true crt facts for you. Here’s some some more crt facts for
You. California is considering giving blacks reparations if they can prove a family member was a slave. No mention of anything for the indigenous people. This is how crt works and what it’s all about.
