Texas veteran who entered Senate chamber in military gear on January 6 sentenced to two years in prison

Prosecutors allege that Brock walked around the Senate chamber for eight minutes during the Capitol attack, and also that he attempted to unlock a door that was used minutes earlier by then-Vice President Mike Pence.



Susan Thoren LOL Give it up lady. Videos don't lie. Only people. Just like you who tried to make it look like it was all violent. Don't give me crap about the Constitution. I took an oath to protect it which is more than you ever did for this country. Just because I point out your lies does not make me a Trump defender or a supporter of any party. I never said I condoned what happen. Just pointing out your lies. Blah blah blah. You make all the PLANS you want but it's unless you are willing to fight for those plans you are all baloney. Bye

No one cares.
CNN Popcorn

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Political shaping public opinions on TV and social media with propaganda of misinformation, disinformation and fake news markerting popcornproduction has become a world humanity threat trillion dollar industry.

Dave Messier guess you follow fox.. the old prosecutor was corrupt and could have been paid off but biden pushed to get a new one even tho knowing ut would mean an investigation into hunters bussiness dealings. What about Ivanka using her official position at the wh during an official dinner with China to come back with 8 or more pattents for her personal bussiness? Works both ways and trump milking millions from tax payers going to his golf courses and charging more for his security details that the money still went to him for personal gain? Hold them ALL ACCOUNTABLE

Marie Anderson when did I say the videos were doctored? I did say that your source is unreliable - only because they opened admitted so under oath. You cannot possibly call yourself a patriot if you condone the violent attack on our Capitol and you support the man and the political party that caused it. Face it, you choose proven lies over the plain as day truth and you refuse to condemn those that betrayed their oaths of office: to protect and defend the Constitution. Your leaders are actively attempting to remake America into a country of authoritarian rule, like Russia. I guarantee you, we plan to make sure we remain a democracy.

Dave Messier yup. The police have been doing that for a long time. We've been pissed off about it for a long time. Usually it's your side that says it's ok. Why do you think the summer riots happened? Cops have been killing people and getting away with it for a long time.

It STILL doesn't negate that jan 6th rioters tried to overthrow a constitutionally elected president and install their own. That is also a crime.

If you're upset about the cop, maybe next time there is a push to get rid of qualified immunity or to reign in police unions youll be on our side

Dave Messier lol you must have missed the part where I said it took hundreds of killings over decades to lead to protest. And there is still protest. You realize we don't protest against Cops just for us right? If the laws we've been asking for had been put in place, they'd protect Republicans too. It's Republicans that are voting against them. Why don't you talk to your reps and tell them you want police held accountable? Republicans don't listen to us. Maybe they'll listen to you? But it's you guys holding up this process. Get on your reps or vote them out. Its your job now. We've been trying

Dave Messier because Cops have been killing people for decades and nothing is being done. Do you see how upset you are that someone was beaten? Now imagine instead that person was killed. And imagine they weren't at a Riot to begin with, they were just inside their own house sleeping when the cops broke in and killed them. Now imagine this has been happening to your friends several times a month for the past 20 years. Now imagine you've been telling lawmakers to get a handle on this and theyve been doing nothing.

Do you see how big of a deal that is?

There was no partisan approach. It was conservatives who made it partisan by blindly siding with Cops this whole time in hopes they'd get votes. Maybe you should've actually paid attention to the problems with police and taken the side of the people instead of the side of the politicians.

Nathalie Burnside joe biden was hunters silent partner. Joe met with his sons business partner days before going to Ukraine about more loan guarantees to Ukraine to produce there own gas. Burisma was the largest gas producer in Ukraine. One day after biden left hunters business partner was a board member of burisma. 5 days later the owner of burisma had 23 million dollars frozen in offshore accounts. 2 weeks later he hires hunter biden and pays him 4 million dollars to get his money back. Which he does and the owner of burisma then went on and paid a 7 million dollar bribe to the new Ukraine prosecutor that biden okayed.

What exactly did he do that had him sent to jail for two years other than walking around in a public building --- I would be interested in hearing from the police on why they walked people around and took down barriers and opened doors and who gave the order to do that. And anyone who wants the truth should be curious also. ----Ya wanna talk about lying and misdirection---Lets look at the GOP speaker of the House releasing videos of Jan 6th shortly after gaining control of the House and having access to the videos that the previous democrat speaker had at their disposal for 2 1/2 years released only to their billionaire supporters and controllers of most other mass media and the only thing the billionaire democrat supporters choose to broadcast of those videos was a few micro- seconds of three video clips showing chaos-----The same micro seconds of those three videos over and over for 2 1/2 years----So now when a GOP speakers has access to the videos he gave them to Fox as apparently for 2 1/2 years the democrat speaker and billionaires supporting democrats and controlling all other mass media were content to show just a few micro seconds of those videos available to the speaker and all other mass media --but continue with your B S all you democrat spammers as democrat lemmings have been propagandized by lying Democrat politicians, lying democrat supporting billionaires controlling most mass media and paid democrat spammer and will believe anything negative about the GOP without further thought--course considering their collective I Q

10ºNigeria (International Criminal Court State Party)

Benin (International Criminal Court State Party)

Botswana (International Criminal Court State Party)

Burkina Faso (International Criminal Court State Party)

Cabo Verde (International Criminal Court State Party)

Republic of Congo (International Criminal Court State Party)

Chad (International Criminal Court State Party)

Central African Republic (International Criminal Court State Party)

Ivory Coast (International Criminal Court State Party)

Democratic Republic of the Congo (International Criminal Court State Party)

Djibouti (International Criminal Court State Party)

Gabon (International Criminal Court State Party)

Ghana (International Criminal Court State Party)

Guinea (International Criminal Court State Party)

Gambia (International Criminal Court State Party)

Liberia (International Criminal Court State Party)

Kenya (International Criminal Court State Party)

South Africa (International Criminal Court State Party)

Senegal (International Criminal Court State Party)

Niger (International Criminal Court State Party)

Sierra Leone (International Criminal Court State Party)

Mali (International Criminal Court State Party)

Malawi (International Criminal Court State Party)

Madagascar (International Criminal Court State Party)

Mauritius (International Criminal Court State Party)

Zambia (International Criminal Court State Party)

Vladimir Putin not going to Africa at all lol, these are the African states that signed and ratified the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court of the United Nations
