James Reimer: Citing Christian faith, San Jose Sharks player chooses not to wear Pride-themed jersey

“I have no hate in my heart for anyone, and I have always strived to treat everyone that I encounter with respect and kindness."



Ls Todd you can love someone yet not agree with every one of their choices. Yes, Jesus says to love everyone, yet that does not mean we accept everything they may do. Jesus also told people where their missteps were. To love and respect everyone is to also respect their own choices, even if you do not agree. You don't agree in his choice to not wear something that goes against his beliefs, yet forcing him or anyone with like beliefs to wear something that is against their faith is being just as bad as you say he is. We are all individual beings and therefore should all have a choice, including the one to stick by your faith/beliefs

Charla Childers I left the hypocrisy of organized religion a long, long time ago. Even the Bible says you don't have to attend church to get to Heaven. I was in the collection business for some years and we had the '3 P's' you couldn't collect much from. Policemen, prostitutes and preachers. I have a brother in law that's a preacher. He still owes us for food, drink and casket spray for my father. He quit preaching and went to selling life insurance. became a top salesman, got a 2 week trip PauPau New Guinea. Came back home and went back to preaching because, "he could make more money."

Robert Gibbons We can repeat it faster than we can recite John 3:16, Romans 6:23 or Psalm 137:9.

The problem is, Jesus did not say it. The Apostle Paul did not write it in any of his letters. Moses did not carve it into the tablets. King David did not sing it while playing his lyre.

“Love the sinner, hate the sin” is not a Bible verse. Some have suggested that an early form of the phrase can be found with St. Augustine of Hippo, well over 300 years after the time of Jesus. Over time in our church history, the phrase eventually evolved into being a neatly packaged quip ready for quick and easy use.

It is like opening a package of instant oatmeal or preparing a cup of instant coffee; here, though, we have instant judgment.

In my opinion, nobody needs to promote lgbtq+ more than anything else! Can we play hockey in nhl? If lgbtq+ wants to have their moments, make it anywhere! Don’t use the nhl or other kind of medias to achieve your goals!!! Make your own promotion outside sports, schools and others, make it in the streets, where people have the choice to see you if they want to!!! Me either I have nothing against nobody! But I don’t need anybody to tell me how I need to think! I’m a free person like any lgbtq+ person!!! I acccept anybody’s opinion so please accept mine!

Luis Victoria

Not true.

Christianity and descrimination are incompatible. They are oil and water.

Your hyperbole seems to allude to those non-Christians who sinfully and fraudulently misuse the Bible for selfish and worldly purposes.

That being said, your absurd claim also pays no mind to the tenents of other cultures, philosophies, forms of government, and religions that are opposed to the rainbow movement.

Conveniently overlooking these domains evidences your "discrimination" toward Christians, which, in turn, makes you the sort of bigot that you've attempted to vilify in your absurd comment.

I get it though, Luis. The whole "turn the other cheek" thing makes Christians easy to pick on, doesn't it? Bullies like you just can't help yourself.

I challenge you to do the same with other groups and you might find yourself behind bars or dead.

This is getting out of hand. N it’s bs each their own right. Also it’s one time a year to support the pride community. It’s not like it’s more then once. It started great now it’s turned into political chaos cause of ppl not wanting to wear it for one night just to support said community.

Truth I would wear it. I support said community. I’m also Christian too does that mean I go by the bible - no I don’t . Ppl fear the unknown and that’s another reason this is getting political propaganda. Ppl should grow the up, it isn’t the 50”s anymore. Ppl need to face the consequences and this is going to have a lot - look at JK Rowling that’s another political issue Atm .

Well ppl has been adding and taking away from the Bible for so many years.... But it do say in the Bible that the word of God should not be taken away or added to it. It is written out for a reason and not for ppl to be adding or taking away. So yes in the Beginning God made Adam and Eve, Not Adam and Adam or Eve and Eve..... And it do say in the Bible that a man should not lay down with a man nor woman with a woman. So don't be getting mad with me I'm just saying what it written in the Bible. And if you needs to know what scripture that proves my words here than my suggestion to you all is to pick up the Bible and read it for yourselves like I have done. But in the end God is the judge and all I can say is live your life for what you believe in because you will have to stand in front of God just like us all and be judged. But all I know I will not be taking away or adding from the Bible. It's written out for a reason and it's to the person whether they believe the word or not.
