More Black men are needed in the classroom, diversity advocates say | CNN

“I was in there and I was like ‘these kids need me.’ I felt that every day was worthwhile.”


It's all about black people now days. I realized that their ancestors went through hell during the segregation which it was horrible; however, this is getting out of control. If you say something that these people don't like it means that you are racist even though that they are being pampered. I am a Hispanic, and people will look at me as undocumented or tell me to go back to my country without having the slightest idea of my status. Of course, I am not going to duel or be depressed about it... in short, every race is needed at any school.

ABC News : says a USA woman kidnapped from her home in Mexico: ABC News says 'We need answers' ..# 1 How did they know She was American --She Lived there ..Maria del Carmen Lopez, 63, a dual U.S.-Mexico citizen, was kidnapped in Pueblo Nuevo in the state of Colima ..OK FYI She couldn't of picked a better place to live in Mexico say Mexicali ?? Colima is the Heart of where the Sinaloa Cartel controls ...Was She driving a Nice Car , Was She wearing Rich Person type clothes ?? Common Sence ..You need Answers ? That deep into Mexico --good luck with that ---again Common Sence --Move to a more Peaceful City Like Encinitas , Rosarito , Cancun , Rocky Point ,or Mexicali would be my choice ...

Melinda Walker .. unfortunately, pay is not high enough in many areas of the country to attract prospective high school students who want to go to college to look at Education as a career. Especially males who aspire to be the “bread winner” in the family. My wife is a teacher, and the reality of being a teacher today is low pay, teaching to pass a test, and students, along with their parents who create a hostile environment for teachers/administrators. Just like we saw in Virginia, it takes an act of god to get troubled students removed from the classroom. In today’s age, the people going into it have a calling for it. I know I couldn’t do it.
