5 kids rescued from a Staten Island sewer system after they crawled into a tunnel and got lost | CNN

Five mischievous boys had to be rescued from a Staten Island sewer system after they crawled into a tunnel and then got lost



Sounds like something my mother and uncles would have done back in the late 1920s. Kids can be dumb sometimes. Now this is coming from stories they told me. Like my mother capturing a bat in the canals and bringing it home in a box. It ate it's way out of jumping off a barn roof with an umbrella to see if he could fly or ,sane uncle, being held upside down from a barn loft and drop off Ed, supposedly by accident, into a pile of manua, nitbsure ifvsoelling. Oh they didn't live in the country just a small town with a few farms..

Blake Parnell I know this is a difficult concept for you to get your head around, but comparing an ILLEGAL act of driving drunk by an ADULT to young CHILDREN, playing together is NO COMPARISON! Did you never go on adventures as a child? I recall falling from trees and breaking my arm, swinging on rope swings over a canal and falling in, saving other kids from drowning in that same canal, and following complete strangers that my friends and I imagined being diamond smugglers. None of these acts are ILLEGAL, they could very well become dangerous and cause harm to the child if things go wrong, but thats called growing up.

Did I hear Jessica Dean and Boris Sanchez basically say boys will be boys on air? This is an issue on SO many levels! I understand kids are curious, but seriously! This is very dangerous,! I also bet that the search and rescue was not cheap and while injuries were minor, a Fire Fighter was injured. Video of parent with two boys smiling and talking. Then you have on air personaiities chalking this up to curious boys. What did these boys learn from this experience, where is the caution to parents and kids not to venture into sewers, Other than I was on the national news and what I did was ok because boys will be boys.