The Weeknd is officially the most popular artist in the world | CNN

The singer-songwriter is statistically the most popular musician on the planet, according to Guinness World Records.


I saw him in concert August 11th in Atlanta Georgia last year it was the best concert I've ever been to some people would probably not understand how far he's come he's a kid from Toronto Canada that was homeless for a while he dreamed about making music for the world to listen to he put out three mixtapes they caught the streets attention from there they repackaged it into trilogy and then his first studio album kiss Land to beauty behind the madness to Starboy to my dear melancholy to after hours to the highlights to dawn fm he's a four-time Grammy winner a 14-time nominee a one-time Oscar nominee he's also influenced by Prince and Michael Jackson he has said many times that it's because of Prince that he makes some of the music that he makes and he will always have us true XO fans we turned him into a Starboy and now we've turned him into the most popular musician in the whole world Xo did that XO Intel we od

James Booth I’m fine with being out of those loops lol
Hey if it works for you and others fine.
I have no interest as there are so many Ukrainian and European and Japanese bands that need love and will never reach that level of popularity- nor are they striving for it.
I’m over here ordering cds and 7”s from Ukraine and Austria and rocking both at work via Bandcamp along with Japanese noise.
Here’s one of the cds I recently ordered via Bandcamp.
Will they ever be worldwide popular? No, but I love it and so do many others.
