Live updates: TikTok CEO Shou Chew testifies at congressional hearing

TikTok CEO Shou Chew testifies before Congress as scrutiny mounts over the app’s ties to China. Follow live updates:


The US government got some nerve telling them that the US has setup a department, hired folks and they want TikTok to transfer ALL their user data to them for monitoring. We are supposed to be a FREE ENTERPRISE, the LAND OF THE FREE. This is COMMUNISM! They want to see who's saying what do the the US can go after tok tok users and start retaliating, harassing, messing in their personal lives, and create shiat to keep you tied up in mess. TikTok users need to stand up about this. They need to be present at the hearing and let their voice be heard.

Chris Hickman The US government got some nerve telling them that the US has setup a department, hired folks and they want TikTok to transfer ALL their user data to them for monitoring. We are supposed to be a FREE ENTERPRISE, the LAND OF THE FREE. This is COMMUNISM! They want to see who's saying what do the the US can go after tok tok users and start retaliating, harassing, messing in their personal lives, and create shiat to keep you tied up in mess. TikTok users need to stand up about this. They need to be present at the hearing and let their voice be heard. If they ban TikTok then everybody should stop using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc ..and watch their stocks fall. The stocks that all the politicians got their money in.

This isn’t about “data” this is about an app that is allowing people to share relevant information without mainstream media involved. I’ve learned more on TikTok than I learned in High School. I found out about the train derailment before the news reported. I get unbiased information about the war that’s happening. I get information on the Epstein flight logs that the mainstream media has silenced. Again, this hearing about the people of the United States are getting too much information, too fast and it’s unfiltered. They have filtered every social network and this is the only one that they can’t control.

Because it has been proven that Because my ancestors here In America were enslaved in the name of Jesus. Their enemies had a whip in one hand and a Bible in the other.
Add to that, many of the stories of the Bible was either lost in translation or altered to justify the wicked ways of the White European Colonizers.
I believe that God left us instructions on how to live in the Torah, Bible and Quran but history has demonstrated to us that all three books have been translated to suit the needs and desires of those that wish to be God and rule the world as they see fit versus ruling as God sees fit.

The world watched the non-stop uncouth bullying, accusations, and arrogance of the bi-partisan congressmen who behaved like hooligans.

Shou Chew was thrown mercilessly into a pit of hungry alligators. No evidence of anything, just hypothetical and theoretical concerns and unsubstantiated accusations. All social media platforms and search engines basically do the same data collection and profile every user over time.

Americans should be ashamed to be represented by these idiotic politicians displaying not much grey matters inside.

Well done Shou Chew. Proud of you and Tik Tok. Close it all down if you have to sell the company to them. Let them face the wrath of 150M faithful users.

The statement from TikTok CEO Shou Chew that ByteDance is not an agent of the Chinese government is an important one in the ongoing debate over the app's potential national security risks. It is encouraging to see that TikTok is taking steps to protect US user data and remain free from government influence. However, given the sensitivity of the issue and the potential risks involved, it is important that the US government continues to closely monitor the situation and ensure that TikTok is living up to its promises. The creation of the TikTok subsidiary US Data Security and its responsibility for handling Americans' personal information is a positive step, and the fact that new TikTok data created by US users is now being stored on cloud-based servers operated by the US tech giant Oracle is also reassuring. The upcoming testimony from Chew will be closely watched, and it remains to be seen if it will be enough to avert a US ban on the app.

Veronica Houck I believe more children are being harmed by the processed food approved by the FDA, the television shows on Netflix, and the Super Bowl halftime show with sexual content plastered all over the television screens. I say that to say, content of vile nature is everywhere on the web. If a kid can see a TikTok challenge on their phones mean they can also see ponragraphic websites that only takes one Google search to find. The problem is the lack of parental guidance. If a child is on TikTok trying challenges instead of on TikTok learning how to read music, or learning string theory from other kids that post about quantum physics then that’s the fault of bad guidance and parenting, not the app. The internet is a place of a plethora of knowledge with dark corners, TikTok is no different.

Chris Hickman Those companies are owned by something worse, the US politicians. They want to be able to control things. To keep truths out. They control mainstream media. They tell them what to show and what not to show. There was weather related issues in a town that their people did not know if it wasn't for TikTok. They want to keep us in the dark. Keep us busy with arguing, bickering, hating each other. They don't want us coming together. I love to see the many videos showing people of different races, eating, laughing together and enjoying life. I saw a video the other day and an elderly Caucasian man went up to some black youths in a parking lot and started dancing with them. They enjoyed it and we need that. Yet the government Republicans and Democrats don't want this. They want us to keep bickering and keep the hate going. Keep lies going.

They did, it was called Vine. It came out like 4 years before Tiktok. Also every other social media app started allowing videos when Vine blew up. Vine went away cause they didn't allow longer than 6 sec videos, had bad monetization, and didn't really add new features compared to their competition. Why make content on Vine and not get paid, when you can move to another platform instead. This was all before Tiktok was even created.

Today, any of the social media platforms can do what Tiktok does, they're just used differently. Tiktok age demographic is teens and they're making pretty much unedited videos, while Instagram age demographics is those in their 20s and they're make more professional, well edited videos. It's like bare knuckle boxing in a back alley vs professional boxing match in a Vegas arena. Both are boxing, just done differently.
