Mental health is driving more college students to consider dropping out, survey finds | CNN

A new survey shows that a significant number of college students struggle with their mental health, and a growing share has considered dropping out


Poor things. The old " is hard so I'm dropping out..." excuse. No motivation to work hard to get ahead in life, no wanting to work for one's wants, needs etc. Culture of Entitlement means government should pay for everything that I WANT (and only the best of everything since, you know, money appears to always be at one's disposal) because 'why should I have to work for something when government should be giving it to me anyway' mentality. Like minimum wages: why should I work hard, put effort into making myself, and my life better for more money when the government should be increasing minimum wages. But I am noticing a trend here where mental health is now slowly being used to not make one's life better. Like how mental health is used as a defence for committing crime(s), but no mental health issues for thinking of, about, planning, plotting, executing crime(s), just AFTER the crime(s) have been committed. In today's society, it's always something else's or somebody else's fault for 'life being hard' no accountability, liability etc. Interesting how people want and demand accountability but nobody wants to be accountable
