Arkansas governor signs bill that restricts transgender bathroom use in schools

The bill signed into law by Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the latest in a series of GOP-led legislative efforts to restrict LGBTQ rights in schools.


Kevin Gillette
This is a fake outrage scenario that you keep coming back to, and all it does is plant suspicion, hate, and distrust, on already marginalized kids.
It’s not hard for there to be some communication, parents/teachers/security, and believe you me kids talk and figure things out quick who’s who.
What you should be absolutely PETRIFIED about is all those gay kids who are in their “biologically correct born-gender” bathrooms, especially when they haven’t come out and told anyone
Boys have been getting into trouble going into girl’s bathrooms for centuries.
Again, you deflect from the fact that this “Governor” Sanders and her bigoted bills are not about obvious solutions like gender-neutral barrooms provided, but playing on fears and fake outrage and discrimination to score political points, using marginalized kids as pawns.

Kevin Gillette
So… boys pretending to be trans, to sneak some peeks?
That’s the reason for bigoted bills? And you think that kids and teachers WON’T KNOW who the trans kids in the school are?
What’s been stopping boys from dressing up as girls to accomplish the same thing all these years??????
Just about the dumbest reason I’ve ever heard.
Seriously, think about it.
If these governors had an ounce of decency, they would make it known in the bill, that schools had to accommodate via gender-neutral bathrooms, and make that the focus, the consideration, and the solution. But, like in my previous post, that’s not what this is about, is it?
It’s to score points with the racist bigoted base, and are willing to use kids as political pawns.

TRUMP 2024. GAY MARRIAGE SHOULD BE BANNED! This race stuff, gay pride stuff, and transgender keeps getting on my nerves and they keep making a big stink outta nothing. They act like such victims and they are not. Nobody owes them anything and they owe us respect and obeying the law. It's time they quit playing victim and get to work here. I'm so tired of the race and gay baiters making a big stink out of nothing. We need to stand for law and order and get our country back to business rather than spending time wasting on race baiting people like low IQ Maxine and Al Sharpton.

Matthew Halm they are by gender. Clearly you don’t understand what it means to be a trans person. I’m not worried about it because I’m in the bathroom for one thing. How does who walks into a bathroom affect you? If anything, they are at more risk of violence from dangerous bigoted people. Last time I checked, the bathroom was for one thing. Why should I care about the person in the stall next to me? It doesn’t matter and is non of my business when someone else is using the bathroom. So, unless you have some kind of alternative motive for using a bathroom, why should you care about the next person?

Kevin Gillette
It discriminates against already marginalized kids who are traumatized by it all, along with many other bills that simply use these kids as political pawns.
Where are the provisions or funding in these types of discriminatory bills that help schools install gender-neutral bathrooms? Schools rarely get renovations as it is.
It’s disgusting.
Can you not think what these marginalized children are going through? Bullying, physical and verbal attacks, even murders?
It also fosters hate, and foments intolerance against them.
States like Arkansas, and Florida, are where racism and bigotry go to thrive.
Ya know, people like you never learn unless you have to face the consequences, like your own child being victimized. No empathy.
Have you actually asked kids what they think?
They are way ahead of adults like you.
This is a bunch of racist bigoted devoid-of-empathy adults, playing for support via incitement of anger, hate, and fake outrage from other adults, for power.
Kids figure this stuff out pretty quick, aside from those specifically groomed for anger and intolerance by ignorance.
Why do you think the GOP is losing the young vote?

It is disheartening to hear about Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders signing a bill that restricts transgender students’ bathroom use in schools. This move is part of a larger trend of GOP-led legislative efforts to restrict LGBTQ rights in schools. The bill covers restrooms, locker rooms, changing rooms, and shower rooms and fines superintendents, teachers, and principals a minimum of $1,000 if they do not comply with the law.

It is important to note that policies like this one hurt LGBTQ+ students' academic achievement and self-esteem, and enforce discriminatory practices against them. Enforcing this law will also be time-consuming and expensive for schools, and invasive toward transgender students. Melanie Willingham-Jaggers, the executive director of GLSEN, is right to criticize Arkansas politicians for using trans and nonbinary kids as political pawns, and Eric Reece, the Human Rights Campaign’s Arkansas state director, is right to call the new law “another despicable effort by extremist politicians to alienate kids who are just trying to navigate their childhoods.”

Policies like this one also create a hostile and unwelcoming environment for LGBTQ+ students in schools, which can have long-term negative effects on their well-being and academic success. Instead of creating more barriers for marginalized communities, we should be working towards creating more inclusive and accepting environments for all students.

This certainly must be at the top of the agenda of all the citizens of Arkansas. Sarah -you may want to check your Education budget and your Crime statistics as many people are still interested in their own agenda of life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Ask not what Sarah can do for her Country but what Sarah can do for Arkansas!” Really! Facts or Fiction-everyone has the power of choice! Could the Red States offering low funding for Education -be a political stunt for gaining Authoritarian Control of the masses hoping they will fall for their conspiracy theories-hook-line and sinker? A little knowledge is a dangerous thing! Thirteen states have “trigger laws” that will ban abortion if Roe V. Wade is overturned Published on Wed, May 4, 2022 3:05PM PDT | Updated Mon, May 16, 2022 10:56AM PDT. Question! What else do these 13 States have in common? Republican Stronghold States and Educational ranking. Number 1 being the highest ranking-number 50 the lowest ranking.
Alabama 46 *
Alaska 28
Arizona 36
Arkansas 47*
Georgia 33 Florida 22
Idaho 37*
Kansas 23
Kentucky 45*
Louisiana 48*
Missouri 31*
Montana 19
Nebraska 21
North Dakota 24*
Oklahoma 44*
South Carolina 42
South Dakota 34*
Tennessee 40*
Texas 39*
Utah 11*
West Virginia 50
Wyoming 25 *. The top 10 highest crime rates include many of the trigger states that are also red states and many states listed at the bottom of the scale for educated ranking! Crime rates. 10. Arizona
9. South Carolina
8. Missouri. 7. Alabama. 6. Louisiana. 5 Nevada. ‘4. Arkansas. 3. Tennessee. . 2. New Mexico. 1. .Alaska
