Scientists create mice from two dads after making eggs from skin cells

Scientists have created mice with two biologically male parents for the first time — a significant milestone in reproductive biology.


Kelly Lynn This is very true, I hadn't thought about that. Thank you for respectfully making a reasonably logical explanation and great point without rudely and heartlessly belittling her for her personal opinion opposed to the ruthless comments by all the clowns in this thread. Maybe we all can learn some importance from people like you instead of acting like a bunch of trolls over social media, people like make me question humanity sometimes.. I too lost loved ones due to the same reason and I myself have cancer and can easily empathize with her, she meant no harm and doesn't deserve all the backlash she's receiving so some these comments so again I just wanted that's all.

Shannon Johnson don't bother talking to anyone ! While there are some good honest people in this conversation , I find in most of these conversations on Fb people don't want to share ideas or beliefs they just want to attack and belittle people . People with hearts of stone like pharaohs was with Moses will never change or listen to anyone. Don't waste your breath. People just love to be confrontational They can make fun and laugh at my God saying He's a man with a white beard walking on the clouds. That's their choice ! I know what I believe in this matter that is being discussed and I know what I believe with my God ! I'm done with these ridiculous conversation for lack of a better word no one wants to hear you they just want to argue with you. Don't waste your time Shannon don't toss your pearls to swine .

Seth Curry good grief dude. You really have no concept of factual information. Qanon? Really?? The US is heavily invested in Japan and have been for years. You are of the age of those who claim to know more than you actually do and expect people to prove research to you because it does not fit your theory or belief. Sorry not happening here. I’m sure you are also one that don’t believe the Democratic Party didn’t have anything to do with the wuhan lab along with doctor Faucci. Hint follow the investment money of your heroes like Schumer, Pelosi, Waters, AOC, Beto, and the list goes on and on. Look back to 2014 its all public record. I guess you also believe we are still waiting on chip components and that’s why the biggest car lots in the country only have 40 or so new cars and the rest of the lot is full of used cars. Americans are being shafted but its not only the democrats there are just as many republicans in the swamp with them and people keep voting them in. Don’t think I support a Bernie Sanders either because he is a flat nut job socialist and falls under a total different category. We need a flip in the country and it’s going to happen sooner than later and thanks to the current leadership it’s on a crash course. Don’t believe, continue down your rabbit hole but it will be here soon enough and people like you will not be able to understand but msnbc, CNN, google and even Fox will spin it for you. I watch the lies of all the networks daily but the money trail does not lie. If you really want to know figure out how to follow the money and then watch what happens in the medical world or EV world or whatever they want to make a dime on next in the coarse of the following 6 months to a year. I’m done with your nonsense until you figure it out on your own because people like you that talk research really only talk! Until you figure it out for yourself you still will not believe the truth.

Gisela Sodorsky I agree with you to a certain degree, but I Read an article very recently explaining how the population we have isn't necessarily of young fertile people, due to people living longer, in some countries by 2054 an extremely high number of the population will be the over 65s, add that to the plummeting fertility rates, that could be a disaster, and you're right there needs to be more widescale research, but this is just one article about one breakthru, I am sure there is much research going on that we know nothing about. Whilst I know many viruses come from the wildlife trade and our abuse of the natural world, we can't escape the fact that some viruses are man made. It's truly truly sad to see what we have done to this world, and while many will see fertility research as a bad thing, whether it goes against their moral or religious beliefs which I completely understand, there are many people who are struggling with fertility issues that may find hope in it, I said right from the beginning that some will get hope and others will feel very uneasy and that it's something that would have to be very closely monitored, we have to be prepared to deal with the human race being under threat, we could well be our own destruction and we need to know how to deal with that when that day comes, doesn't mean we will use those methods before hand.

Heather Westberry Fortier not sure if I responded to this comment in my post above. I just wanted to make sure you know I am not trying to be arguments or hostile at all. I currently have no stake in this argument or opinion one way or another. I don’t have enough information or data supporting either side, nor do I have a personal experience with anyone going through this. I just don’t like when I see people post articles from studies and just put one line that seems to affirm their beliefs. The study you posted clearly states there was no increase in suicide rates among those in the study, and a slight decrease. I respect your opinion but just would be interested in seeing a study to support it, because honestly I am curious to see the statistics for both. This is obviously a large societal issue right now, and I really want to know the unbiased data. I know there isn’t much long term research, so before I formulate my own opinion I want to see as much unbiased data as I can. I would hate to support or vote for something without having all of the facts. I am very empathetic for anyone going through mental health struggles, I lost my little brother to mental health struggles almost three years ago (but regarding gender) but want to make sure I am supporting whatever policies which may effect my children when they are a bit older

Naas Barnard I said I wasn't going to respond anymore because people just want to be confrontational but I will to you . Thank you for your kind words about my friend. ️all I can say is His Will is not our will and he alone knows the plan . If I knew it I would be God which I'm not. We look at things when they happen with earthly eyes . But what we can't see and understand is everything happens for a reason , good things bad things. They are not happening because he made it happen but He allows it to happen otherwise if he fixed everything all the time there would be no death . We had that gift but we ate of the tree of knowledge which we weren't suppose to. Adam and Eve had everything but through their sin we all suffer. And even still God was good and threw them out of the garden for if they would hv eaten from the tree of life they would Hv stayed in sin forever with no redemption . So he sent his son as the blood sacrifice for our sins . That through this grace we who believe will be saved . I don't hv all the answers which is why it is based on faith . Blessed are those who believe but do not see. All I know is there where 12 disciples who had their doubts. They witnessed his miracles and healings and still Peter doubted. But when they saw Him after he rose on the third day they believed . They gv their lives to and for him spreading His word. Who was boiled who had their flesh pulled from their bodies who was stoned. Peter did not want to be crucified the way his Lord was he felt unworthy so he was crucified upside down . Now I don't know everything but I do know from reading the Bible and seeing things come to fruition that where prophesied hundreds of years ago for Jesus fulfilled over 300 prophesies and knowing also that these men must hv seen and believed something so drastic to give their life's and sacrifice everything that there is truth there. Do I hv all the answers? No. But I hv enough to keep my faith in God. We will find the answers when we are with Him. You know my son had a drug problem when he came out of the marines almost died from taking too much ambien too. I didn't say God this is your fault , I said you're allowing this for a reason . See when things are going well most people don't speak to God so sometimes He allows things through pain and tragedy to happen so you call on Him. It's funny all the nfl players that took a knee and how many when they were praying were made fun of then that football player got hurt a lil while ago can't remember his name . First thing they say is let's pray for a healing . It can't be both ways . I don't know why God allowed that to happen to that family but like I said there is a reason we can't see or understand . But God always takes a bad thing and turns it for good and I hv a lot of proof of that in my life. Some how some where someone's soul was saved from that family dying like the people converted when my friend died . That's why we are here to bring each other to Christ . This world is passing. That's why it is so important to believe and be saved cause you can walk out on the street tomorrow and get hit by a car and this earthly life would be over . And I'd rather believe and go to heaven then to gamble and not and loose all eternity with my Lord . He'll is a miserable place and I wouldn't want you or anyone going there . Any hoot... Have a blessed night ! Going to sleep now my husband finally stopped snoring !️

Heather Westberry Fortier While a lack of mental health services is clearly an issue in this country, if you're implying that they shouldn't transition because the rates aren't changing that's flawed logic...but you're clearly biased on the topic of trans people. Maybe they're committing suicide because they are still being bullied or bullied more? They can still feel more like who they are and be miserable at the same time due to bigots in the world. We'll never really know because as someone who's been in therapy over a decade, it's not like we get to go back and ask them why they did it. It sounds like you're knocking their choice on a transition because it doesn't magically fix their other issues so they shouldn't get it done. I'm not sure if you've been in therapy but mental health issues aren't black and white, they are intertwined and complicated. But it's clear you have an issue with it based on how you typed your statement. If you want to be an advocate for mental health, try not doing it while promoting bigotry.... they don't really go hand in hand. I don't care what anyone chooses to do with their body. Their personal choices don't effect me. I do care about people's mental health and wellbeing though because that is something we can all help with.

Naas Barnard it's not Gods will that people should die . He is the giver of life but people understandably look for miracles and when they don't happen God gets the rap. God allows things to happen for reasons we don't understand but one day will. My friend was dying in the hospital with a bad heart after giving birth three months prior . Nurses and doctors where coming in seeing her family praying . Some which didn't believe in God . But through them watching this family filled with love and even in their suffering the kindness they showed to others people realized there was something different about them . They began to join them in prayer and some were converted. This is why God allows things ! My friend was a believer and when she died went to heaven and because of her death other people believed too. This earth is not our home and we are not bodies with a soul but souls with a body ! Are goal is to get to heaven and bring as many as we can with us when their time is due . We put too much emphasis on this life that will end instead of the eternal place . God knows what he is doing .

Jeremy Lakin try again there bro. It’s two words only: supply & demand. If children aren’t being born because of harmful chemicals and industrial waste that your parents or grandparents’ generation dumped into the environment, spawning more, previously rare cancers in women, and it impacts national rates of fertility, you have fewer newborns to adopt. If the military acknowledges burn pits cause cancer, why is it so hard to understand other environmental conditions impact actual birthrates? You can’t adopt something that can’t be born at all, and less frequently will mean fewer numbers of children especially if higher percentages of parents have no choice but to adopt.

10ºWould love to know how this is beneficial science…like how this will be used to better us as humans, cure or stop diseases….anything good that can come from this? Saying it can help with animal extinction is a reactive and backwards thinking. We as humans need to do better for the planet and living things by not destroying it the way we are and then maybe the animals wouldn’t become extinct. but instead of having a healthy regulation of things like the poisonous food that is allowed to be sold to consumers, abuse and excess of animal agriculture, etc., they just create more pharma.
Modern medicine has its place, but power and money has made it extreme and not for truly the good of the people. Don’t drink the kool aid
