US immigration authorities have transferred 34 migrants from border with Canada to Texas for processing

The US Border Patrol has seen an increase in migrant crossings in the northern region.


David Gordon true, but there are people like me, that have a college education or military background (I do not have a military background, but I do have a college education) that become disabled and want to continue working, but are limited by ancient income regulations. Just Google how much a disabled person is allowed to make in a month and you will be shocked. The average disabled person (by ssi/disability law) is only allowed to make $1,280.00 per month! This has been the standard income allowed since around 1982/1984. It hasn't changed since. It's a huge barrier for disabled people like me and millions of others. How can a person (disabled or not) live off of these restrictions?. . If the government would reassess the income for the disabled to modern life, it would probably fix alot of horrible situations for most U.S. disabled persons. Just saying. There's no advocate for the physically disabled, there hasn't been for decades. That needs to change. Many people born healthy become disabled for many reasons, it doesn't change their intelligence, it just limits their ability. Why should they (we,me!) Have to live under an umbrella of what income we are allowed to make? Sorry for rambling, but it's very frustrating for someone that was healthy, educated, and fully capable of earning an acceptable income to be knocked down and told 'you can't make more than the $1,280.00 ssi/disability allows or else you forfeit everything and your next option is homelessness!. . Physically disabled Americans need a voice, we can do the jobs many immigrants can do, but, we are constantly persecuted by ssi/disability if we try to work. I can't walk straight anymore, but I can stand to wash dishes or make a sandwich!. . But,I'm not allowed to make over a certain amount or else I'll loose every other benefit that keeps me from being homeless!. . It's a disability catch 22,. . . We need a voice! Disability doesn't have a color, disability doesn't have a race, disability doesn't have a political issue,. . Disabled just want work and income equality with understanding of of our disabilities.

Ross RG they been sending them to.spain haha that started 2021 now UK got a few South Americans what go to USA but to be fair even romainians cross that tex border and they're EU ..

Westminster should send them to white Scotland considering the degenerate SNP cry about them but don't take any
While England's got twice as many immigrants as scotlands scot Scottish
Plenty of space and they need workers plus it's too white Scotland cand have the jihadist
The celtic fans keep saying refugees welcome ....fck me it's only 50k boat people
We had over 1m come to England....

You guys take these poor defence victims fleeing these countrys ....pile it up ...
Apparently they are good for your economy..

Hahaha your daughters will be fine ..

34 makes news headlines for CNN.....but MILLIONS illegally crossing the southern border as a result of Bidens policies don't get a mention!

While Biden had a Fruedian slip in Canada thanking and praising "China", he completely ignore the mess he made at the southern border. He didn't mention China again either.

Trudeau mentioned China, but only as Joe does, a "Competitor", not the aggressive expansionist threat that it is. And, while Joe and family have seen MILLIONS of dollars from China pad their families, from CCP tied businesses, Trudeau himself seems to have a China problem. Seems Chima interfered with Canada's election, helping Trudeaus party, and when his government wanted to investigate this....Trudeau swept it under the rug.

Joe, he when ask by a friendly reporter about all the money from China going to his family, and yep, that is confirmed, well Joe outright lied and said "didn't happen". When will CNN fact check this serial liar?
