Another political hush-money case offers clues to a possible Donald Trump defense | CNN Politics

If former President Donald Trump is indicted in connection with a pre-election payment, the case of another politician offers clues to the defense Trump could mount.


Give it a rest already. These witch hunts against Trump for the last 7 years have cost taxpayers millions of dollars. Under the Biden administration, Americans need every penny they have. Price of food etc has sky rocked. Why is this administration not concentrating on that instead? Every frigging time they go after Trump they fail! Enough already. Let it go and start doing something to ease Americans lives. Millions can't even feed their children or pay their bills. How do fellow Americans think that is acceptable and chose a Party over their welfare? . What is wrong with these Dems? They are destroying America. On top of that, since Biden took office, the world has become a very dangerous place. War in Europe and Iranian Missiles flying all over the place attacking US bases . WTF. Dems need to get a grip. We all know Dems love a good war, but how about they concentrate on taking care of American citizens. The Biden administration is the worst ever in recent History. If they are doing all this on purpose then they all need to be removed and held accountable. This is not just a clown show, but they have become dangerous not just for America but the whole world. I don't know how anyone could support what Biden is doing. I think the only people who do support him are the ones steeped in hate. It's why Biden's poles are lower now than ever. Citizens don't like what he is doing. This is a very decisive time in American History. Will it be freedom or communism? We shall see what the future holds. As is, the way the nation is divided, it will be a huge fight to keep freedom! it seems a lot of people like the idea of being controlled and their hard earned money spent on everything except making Americans safe and prosperous. Biden ran on uniting the country. He's done nothing but divide it even more. Shame on him!!!

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"Congress does not need experienced politicians. Congress
needs people who have suffered the hardehips created

Dave Messier I know the Senate is full of bought and paid for corrupt politicians catering to corporations it seems like most people don't understand how government infrastructure Works they pretend that every time a new puppet president is selected that the whole agenda changes this ignores the fact that all presidents meet with the same advisor group behind closed doors that actually run the country those advisor groups are stuffful the same lobbyist you could trace every modern day president back to you basically like promoting corporate funded War propaganda because it's comfortable and you do zero research and cannot speak on specific policy you wait for corporate media outlets in US intelligence agencies and bought and paid for committees to tell you what's real

John Michael that's awesome! Trump and McCarthy will be hand in hand on that highway to he--! McCarthy sold his soul just to be speaker - how pathetic is that. The Republican party is unhinged - don't get me wrong the Democrates are pretty bad also - in this whole country neither party seems to be able to come up with one good candidate to run - we are always forced to vote for the best of the two evils! Getting real sick of that but don't see it changing since the fox is in charge of the hen house! The money needs to be out of politics but since the politicians are the ones that need to get that done it will never happen.

Jared Purgatorio An inept president more worried about lying about his re-election and holding idiotic rally for his magats crashed our economy. His lying and denial led to him losing both houses and the presidency. He had all in 2016 and managed to pass tax cuts for his wealthy backers. Didn't lock her up, didn't present an alternative to ACA, no infrastructure, no Mexico paying for a wall, no reducing the trade deficit, etc. The only thing that mush-mouthed whiny loser could spew was disinformation... Massive election fraud, it'll be gone by Easter, ingest bleach, it's no worse than the flu, mail in voting is rigged, etc...Keep suckling that orange orifice, bootlicker!!!

Elizabeth Harvey name calling doesn’t help the fact that you are clearly ignorant to how our government functions. No I’m 2020 a bipartisan congress had to pass crazy legislation in response to a certain parties insistence on shutting down businesses and paying people to stay home. That party was the democrats and they saw a great opportunity in an election year to crash the economy. Luckily it was rebounding once things began opening up at the end of 2020. Too bad democrats with complete control of congress and the presidency in 2021 decided to continue the spending spree and thrust us into 40 year high inflation and interest rate increases.

Dude. Really? This guy is an imbecile. Stating the obvious, I know, but still.

He’s the boy who played football in the house, broke an antique vase, and blamed it on the ball. He’s the arsonist who burned down an orphanage and victim blamed the kids who perished for occupying it.

Does he want to go to prison? His reputation was broken beyond repair even before he became a politician, but he was widely known as just some blowhard with a massive ego and a questionable net worth that he artificially inflated depending on his mood. Now he is set to go down as the worst president in U.S. history and probably the closest we came to Mussolini…only dumber.

Donald Trump is NOT being denied his rights or due process. He will go through the system the same as every American. If the Grand Jury indicts, Trump’s legal defense team can bring forth any evidence or witnesses that they believe will exonerate him at the trial. They can cross examine any witness that the prosecution brings forth. They can bring in any expert on constitutional law to present to the jury.
The only thing Bragg can do is bring his evidence to the courts along with his witnesses. Then the jury decides. End of story
Besides, why is everybody getting so excited over this one court hearing in Manhattan? Take a deep breath. We still have Fani Willis with The Georgia State Grand Jury and U.S. Special Counsel Jack Smith with The United States Grand Jury to hear from yet. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Pace yourselves.

Dave Messier Homeland Security is definitely not a credible source and as proof all you need to look at is the Ukraine situation they ignore history and promote the same lies so that they could pay off the military industrial complex and pretend they're saving Ukraine in a war they escalated when they ignored warnings under the Bill Clinton administration that further NATO expansion would lead to war with Russia and how in 2014 the US government rigged the Ukraine election in favor of a pro NATO regime aka the same strategy we seen repeated many times over and over again to create Wars for profit with no end

10ºDave Messier it doesn't matter what corporate media Outlet you reference they all have their lies depending on your party rhetoric and favorite brand of Kool-Aid and that's because a handful of corporations own all of your media and they all regurgitate us intelligence agencies lies if you pay enough attention maybe the fact you don't pay attention is why you don't realize that the narrative you speak are all on lock step with mainstream media that's where you get all your information that's why you're unable to have adult conversations about specific policy and history and it's proper context the media doesn't tell you about that
