Understanding and supporting the transgender community | CNN

Here are a few ways you can help foster understanding, recognition and support for a community facing steep challenges.



They have created their own problems! Don’t shove it down people’s throats! Just live and fight through justice system. Heterosexual people don’t go around screaming at the top of their lungs! You can live how you want without trying to f up the whole country by blaming others that just don’t agree. Everyone is never going to agree on everything!
I married a black man in the early 80’s and it was still taboo! I didn’t care what anyone thought I just lived and still do live my life!
Now people want to force you to say it’s ok or believe what they want you to!
I am no follower and never will be!

Don't remove the healthy breasts of 13 year olds. Don't expect children that are young enough to still believe in Santa Claus to understand about being transgender. They are too young to understand something this complicated and will get confused. Or are you wanting them to be confused? And lastly, can we have an open conversation at all? Or am I going to have my character attacked because I have some objections to how the topic of transgenderism is being dealt with when it comes to children? Are you willing to admit the fact that accepting and loving the transgenders among us is new. For thousands of years, sadly, transgender people have been outcasts. And so transgender youth most often stayed in the closet. There were no adults to help them understand what was going on with them and help them. So introducing the topic of transgenderism to children is a very new idea. Contrary to popular belief, I am not against talking to kids about gender identity issues. I do know that kids that are not cis gender need help. And their peers need to understand and accept them. So kids do need to be educated about these matters. But can there be any respectful conversation about this? What if you're wrong about something? What if some of your best efforts have some unforseen consequences? Or you can just shout me down like you do every person that simply has some questions.

Since the beginning of time there has been people that are “trans”. Everyone knew and knows it. Most people could care less. However, this new attitude that people worship this “community” that consists of maybe .1% is absurd. It’s time everyone retreat back to their corners, live their lives and mind their own business. Because based on results with the constant drumbeat of lecturing people what they should and shouldn’t ,is not working out to well, now is it? And for those so called progressives, you have absolutely no clue or understanding what a true liberal is. So take your sanctimonious
and shove it.

Tonya Donaldson So tired of this message which is not accurate. All citizens (and some non citizens) in this country have rights once they turn 18 years of age. (under 18, your rights are limited because you do not have the mental capacity to evaluated certain criteria).

Please list laws which were passed to take away rights of "said" person. Please remember, just because you THINK you have the right to do something does not GIVE you the right to do it... aka, murdering innocent people (including unborn babies).... We will all wait for this very long non controversial list.

Mary Catherine Mama in what way exactly has the trans community where you live demanded you "bow" to them? I am asking honestly. Because I don't see that in any of the places I have lived. AND I am not the kind of person who thinks that if it is not happening to me, if I haven't experienced it...then it is not taking place. So I don't know what demands you are referring to. I, of course, know that there are horrible ppl in the world. And some of them are going to be ppl like me and ppl not like me.

Tristis Ward oh no cupcake…you changed the subject when you brought up white Christians killing blacks. So now you crying when I present facts to the contrary. I have no pity on this “vulnerable population” as you call them. They have pushed their twisted agenda into our faces and now want to groom and kill children. Four mass shootings in four years by this vulnerable community that makes up less than 1 percent of the population. See a trend there. And I would be more worried about what Jesus would think of trying to change what he so beautifully made into some huge lie. People are waking up to the agenda and have had enough

Bill Stevens
Because anti-trans people insist on making the discussion about science, instead of getting their nose the hell out of other people's lives, the fact that science is not on the anti-trans side gets pointed out.
If you followed the science, you'd understand that this is a complex matter that doesn't result in a binary right/wrong conclusion. You'd also realize that there's a lot of study which shows that transgender people have much better lives when they are allowed to be who they are.
But you're not going to follow the science anyway, are you? Because…I don't know why. But despite demanding "science" be followed, you folk never really get into it.

Gwen Miller they also more likely to develop mental health issues. It's non judgemental, factual statement. They need support. I don't care how small the group is. Their lives matter to me as much as anybody else's. The media storm around transgender rights, forcing wider population to alter their language etc... has not been very helpful. It only created the atmosphere of conflict and exclusion, instead of sensible discussion and practical, long lasting inclusion.
41% attempted sucide rate should not be acceptable in any compassionate, civilised society. It's not just caused by discrimination or those rates would be mirrored in groups that experienced discrimination around the world. There is a deeper problem there and should be looked at by non judgemental professional psychologist without agenda either for or against.

This is according to me

1. Listen to the transgender individuals and their experiences. With an open mind and willingness to learn, this will help build empathy and understanding.

2. Read books, articles, and other resources written by trans individuals or by experts in the field of gender and sexuality.

3. Attend seminars or webinars that provide education on what it means to be transgender, medical transition, mental health impacts, etc.

4. Understand and use proper pronouns along with not asking personal questions regarding their transitioning process.

5. Advocate for equal rights and opportunities for the transgender community and support their inclusion in society.

6. Offer support by being a friend, ally or any form of emotional, mental or physical support if one feels comfortable in receiving such empowering measures.

Remember that every individual's experience is unique, and it's important to respect and honor their autonomy and free will. Ultimately, it comes down to treating them with the dignity and respect that every human deserves.

10ºTransgenderism, teaching hate of others because of skin shade is not the final goal of the left. The goal is to teach children that reality is what the state declares it. I talk to many leftist who engage in doublethink; the holding of two contradicting thoughts simultaneously and believing both; when I point it out to them they accuse me of old thinking.
Remember Mao said they had to get rid of the 4 olds. Old ideas, old customs, old culture, and old habits of mind.
For the would be tyrants of the left to have complete control they need to rid people of the notion of free will. Read Das Kapital and the Communist Manifesto, both hold as the final goal there being no need for a formal government as we know it now because most people become unthinking drones with a few to guide them at the top. Why do you think Rockefeller, Ford, Mellon and so many of the late 19th. and early 20th. century robber barons were such strong supporters of early American "progressives"?
