Lukashenko says Putin could deploy more powerful Russian nuclear weapons in Belarus | CNN

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, who has been asking Putin for nuclear weapons for a while, claimed Belarus needed the weapons because Ukraine’s Western allies were planning a coup against him.


Sharifuddin Zainuddin First,of all Putin is the real, one who has been robbing , peace away, from many people around the world. .We are all tired of Putin threatening to use Nuclear weapons and possibly putting the world in danger. Putin and the Kremlins are the only one who is threatening the world and no one else is. It's hard to argue with these nuclear threats ,as evidence of the disruption of world peace.. Also,China and Russia needs to learn to become more peaceful countries. They need to stop invading ,sovereign countries, like Ukraine and Taiwan and stop bullying other countries for their own communist ideology, for imperialism . We don't want it at all. Power is not found in men ,or countries it is found in God.

Sergey Uvarov Yes, I know there is no way to counter my arguments rationally, so you have to descend to immature name calling. But I would like to remind you that the Russian genocide of Ukranians did actually not start from them wanting jo join Nato... it started from them wanting to have closer ties with the EU. Their president Yanukovich, a Kremlin puppet, decided to turn the country to the opposite direction and was overthrown as a result. This is what can happen when an autocrat goes squarely against the will of the people. Even at the beginning of the current war, Zelenskyi was still considering promising to remain neutral and staying outside Nato. But I suppose Russian aggression has now gone on for too long for them to be able to keep that promise.

Jukka Halttunen Have you forgotten that the West deceived Gorbachev when he agreed that the USSR would give up the GDR and all the countries of the Warsaw Pact? The West promised him that the NATO bloc would never go to the East and would be in these countries. But what really happened? NATO is already within the borders of the former USSR. So where does aggression come from? If democracy is a lie and meanness, then this is totalitarianism. Learn history, and then draw conclusions, and not vice versa! Why do you need brains then, if you are a programmed biorobot with a flash drive in your head? Who is to blame for this war?

MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) still applies to nuclear war, and billionaire Putin and his billionaire military and civilian cronies want to continue to enjoy the highly privileged lives they lead, so nuclear war is not on the table. Russians are traditionally good chess players, and Putin is running a bold bluff after having miscalculated his opening moves.

After bluffing Obama into doing nothing about Russia’s invasion and occupation of Crimea, Putin counted on his bought-and-paid-for Kremlin Kandidate — Trump — being able to set the stage for Russia’s complete takeover of Ukraine. But bumbler Trump wasn’t able to deliver on that during his term in office, and then he lost the 2022 election, leaving Putin no choice but to proceed without the U.S. being neutralized. Putin counted on Ol’ Slow Joe Biden doing nothing, just like Obama — but Ol’ Slow Joe surprised Putin by coming to Ukraine’s rescue and sending weapons and ammunition that stopped the Russian military machine in its blown-up tracks.

Will Ol’ Slow Joe now go the next necessary step and supply Ukraine with F-16 fighter planes and artillery that has not been degraded of its modern targeting technology? Or will Ol’ Slow Joe hesitate because of Putin’s nuclear ploy in Belarus? Putin appears confident that his nuclear ploy will win the game, but he knows that his Kremlin cronies are very weary of this botched war and if Ol’ Slow Joe surprises Putin again by supplying Ukraine with F-16s and upgraded artillery, the chess game is over for Putin.

In fact, with Finland's membership in NATO now certain, Putin's invasion of Ukraine has resulted in exactly what Putin did not want.

The whole world knows that this Ukraine and Russian conflict is not only another United States proxy war, but also a war about propaganda.

Putin did NOT want this war in the first place.

Putin asked to negotiate.

But Biden said “No” and refused to negotiate with Putin before this war.

Putin raised several crucial issues about the unwarranted and threatening expansion of NATO.

But Biden don’t care!

The United States WANTED this war!

At the end of the day, it’s the innocent Ukrainian citizens who are going to suffer, NOT Zelensky and his government.

Just lie Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon etc…the United States will ignore Ukraine once the war is lost to Russia and the Americans will move on to the next cash cow to milk.


The United States and NATO all along NEVER have the intention to end the Russia-Ukraine war.

After the #Russia-#Ukraine conflict erupted, the #US government has continued sending #weapons to Ukraine, imposing sanctions on Russia, and “fanning the flames.”

If #Washington really cares about the Ukrainian people, it should try to promote peace rather than continuing to provide weapons.

The US has constantly poured fuel on the flames, fully exposing its ugliness in its attempt to maintain worldwide #hegemony through the intensification of conflicts.

The Americans want this war to be prolonged for as long as possible for its selfish needs.

The United States of America withheld $7 billion of Afghan money from the Afghans who are currently facing famine.

But nobody cares , nobody tried to raise any humanitarian aid except non USA countries.

But the Americans sent $15 billion to Ukraine in 8 hours.

How come?


The Ultimate winner for this Russia-Ukraine war: The United States of America.

This conflict has been meticulously planned and instigated by the Americans greatly for their own selfish benefits.

On one hand, the Americans cried for peace and democracy but on the other hand, sent and sold a total of more than USD1.5 Billion worth of weapons and missiles to Ukraine.

The Americans are just like the boy who cried wolves and are not serious for the peace between Ukraine and Russia.

The Americans knew with precise calculation that they will stand to benefit the below out of this instigated war:

(1) Funds from Europe will flow back to the Wall Street

(2) Weapons sales from the Americans to Ukraine

(3) Sanctions that brought about by the United States government on the Russians drove share prices down for the good companies which triggered panicked selling…. thereafter big American institution like Morgan Stanley will go into the market for the Big Purchase.

(4) Monopolising big, lucrative and undemocratic infrastructure rebuilding contracts from Ukraine, just like what happens to Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Lebanon.

(5) Biden gets his ballots

(6) The Americans continue to get to operate their more than 330 BioLabs, with 26 in Ukraine, around the world.

(7) The United States gets to sell natural gas to the Europeans (suckers)…at 7 times more expensive than what the former would sell to the American citizens.

(1) Russia Is Right: The U.S. Is Waging a Proxy War in Ukraine

(2) Russia-Ukraine conflict: Where do NATO and the U.S. stand?

(3) U.S. the culprit of war in Ukraine

(4) America is to be blamed for the Russian-Ukraine war

(5) Why John Mearsheimer Blames the U.S. for the Crisis in Ukraine.

(6) John Mearsheimer on why the West is principally responsible for the Ukrainian crisis

(7) America’s Road to the Ukraine War

(8) Ukraine, a Nazi Regime
The Renaissance of Western Democracy: Killing Lists and the Persecution of Free Thought

(9) After months of denial, U.S. admits to running Ukraine biolabs

cnn..... ur country started this war in ukrine..... same channel will tell that ukrine is winning the war... same channel will tell u that russia is a bully....which side are happy to tell you that ur country is grt power. but not the most powerful country.... sorry for ur lost we are in the chinese era..... stop intervening in chinese internal affiar.... russia is not a bully....ur country contributed to mordern day destrustion of the arab world.... am happy we are in a russia china era...... pls america and Nato accept defeat........u cant watch china carrying out euro cross continental rail deals with china.. while russia is the major supplier of oil to europe ur country can just with stand that...what a shame the world is smart now.......what ur country did to iraq /libya is never forgotten

... avec quoi ! Tu penses bien que la Chine ne va pas se mouiller dans une guerre qui n'est pas la sienne ! Au risque de tout perdre ! Le premier client de la Chine sont l'Europe et les États-Unis 1 milliard de personnes ! Est-ce que tu penses que la Chine est assez c.. pour perdre ça ! Si elle perd ses clients européens et américain son économie dégringole en deux temps de mouvement !je te rappelle quand même un petit truc c'est que l'OTAN c'est 27 pays qui sont à la pointe de la technologie 3 millions 200000 militaires actif plus un million 300 réserviste ! Et le monde est avec nous! Même le président de la Biélorussie comment ça se poser des questions si Poutine installe des missiles nucléaire chez lui ! Et qu'il décide d'en tirer un de la Biélorussie la Biélorussie sera détruite immédiatement quelle hypocrisie de Poutine ! Une petite dernière quand même au début de la guerre la Russie a fait une avancée fulgurante en Ukraine à partir du moment où l'OTAN à distribué de l'armement à l'Ukraine la Russie a reculé! Et même ton pote Poutine l'a reconnu! 8 mois sur bakhmout ils n'ont toujours pas pris la ville ! Et même à la dernière guerre mondiale la Russie n'aurait pas tenu il ne serait pas remonté jusqu'à Berlin sans l'aide des USA !