Judge pauses Tennessee law restricting drag performances day before it was set to take effect | CNN Politics

US District Court Judge Thomas L. Parker issued an order delaying enforcement of the measure for at least 14 days as he considers whether the ban is unconstitutional



Gina Dunn so your OK with allowing Churches to come onto school property, fund raising, putting in shows......got it. That includes promoting a family value lifestyle of course.

You see, sexually charged "drag Queen" shows and theatrics have no place in schools.....and you wanting them sure makes many hope you do t have little kids that you would expose to such. Your religious bigotry is on full display, and desire to expose little children to sexually charged lifestyles, even against parental wishes, seem right in line with those unable to define what a Women is....or is a man can get pregnant. God help us all and our little kids, if you get your way.

Tony Kelly ya ok with a adult bump and grind a lap dance with a grade school kids as long as they are heterosexuals. That might explain with more kids are sexually assaulted in religious facilities then any other place outside the home. Drag performances is as much of a sexualized act as father-daughter dances or even pageants of young children. Pedophiles get jealous if they feel someone is being allowed to get close to children without legal penalties. Drag shows violate the law as a public religious event, the difference there hasn’t been no one arrested after a drag shows for assaulting small children.
