At least 5 killed and dozens others are hospitalized as tornadoes tear through the South and Midwest | CNN

More than 50 preliminary tornado reports were made Friday in at least six states


Spring in the U.S.
Never ignore tornado warnings.
And - trailer parks need to have a tornado shelter for the residents of their parks. Depending on how big maybe 2 or more, trailers are blown away like leaves.
This time of year is especially dangerous, storms can produce many tornado's and some are absolutely devastating..
Everyone should have a shelter "other than their GD bathtub" where they can go to protect themselves.. Below ground is the Best Place to be, not in the bathtub, not in a hallway, not in the smallest room in the house. If a good size tornado hits your house there can be nothing left.
Most people that live in "Tornado Alley" know this, and those that are "new to the area" need to learn real fast..
