Analysis: Why Trump is still favored for the GOP nomination, despite his indictment

"Recent polls from Fox News, Monmouth University and Quinnipiac University have shown how Trump’s Republican primary prospects have improved," writes Harry Enten | Analysis


Patty Leblanc I don't play the whataboutism game. See on this side of politics we don't want nor will we support anyone that breaks the law. Investigate them, indict them and convict them if the broke the law. You also know how the DA's office works right? He is not responsible nor is a judge responsible for an indictment. The evidence is brought before a grand jury. They are the ones that hear the testimony and eventually vote on if they have enough for an indictment. So to say it is not fair or just for political reasons is ridiculous. You are just repeating the far rightwing extremist that everyone is out to get Trump. It is never Trumps fault, he is just being persecuted. Please. He has broken laws before and was given easy ways out like fines and when he disbanded his charity business. His lawyer and his Chief Operating Officer have already been convicted and have or are serving time for those business misgivings. Now it is time for the head of the organization to be held accountable. If he is innocent then he can prove that in court. Being a billionaire he will have the money to buy the best lawyers available.

Lee Townsend
Very true... Keep in mind he lost by 7 million votes in his last election, and his influence in the mid terms was a bust. I can't recall the last time the the party that held the WH didn't get beaten up in their first mid term. The red wave fizzled. The Senate was lost. So, you have to ask how many, if any, of those 7 million think his indictment and prosecution are purely political? He can lead the GOP all he likes. He can win the party nomination in the biggest landslide in history. But it speaks nothing of what will happen in a general election. Keep in mind the biggest voting block in America are NPA's, not Republicans or Democrats.

Martin Byrne so what you are saying is that the Republicans don't care enough to put up the best candidate or a candidate that is not moral, ethically or legally bankrupt, just party that has no respect for the law. That tell us all we need to know about the Republican Party, responsibleto one person versus responsible to the party. Put up and allowing a candidate that has broken the law is more important than taking that control away from such an individual. As for as your whataboutism, I don't play that game. If others have done wrong let them be investigated, tried and convicted if they broke the law. That way we keep the fact no one is above the law.

Sheila Zirkle Do you have any idea what the Steele Dossier actually says. Here's a bit of it, you should read it all. Many allegations in the dossier have been dismissed by authorities or remain unverified.[35][36][37] While the dossier played a central role in the seeking of FISA warrants on Carter Page,[38][39][40] it did not play any role in the intelligence community's assessment about Russian actions in the 2016 election,[41][42][43][44] and it was not the trigger for the opening of the Russia investigation into whether the Trump campaign was coordinating with the Russian government's interference in the 2016 presidential election.[38][45][46] The dossier is a factor in several conspiracy theories promoted by Trump[47] and his supporters in the media[48] and Congress.[38][45][46]

You (CENSORED)’n Liberals are too (CENSORED)’n (CENSORED) to realize what you have done. You’ve opened the door to retaliation. You guys may have started it, but we will finish it with our own prosecutions of Liberal Democrat politicians/presidents. You WILL regret this.

“But at least one thing seems clear: Mr. Bragg may have been the first local prosecutor to do it, but he will probably not be the last. Every local prosecutor in the country will now feel that he or she has free rein to criminally investigate and prosecute presidents after they leave office. Democrats currently cheering the charges against Mr. Trump may feel differently if — or when — a Democrat, perhaps even President Biden, ends up on the receiving end of a similar effort by any of the thousands of prosecutors elected to local office, eager to make a name for themselves by prosecuting a former president of the United States.”

Jack Fitzgibbon well no one is mutilating any one. If you want to speak about inclusion of all people and respecting diversity it is something we should all be working towards, so we don't have hatred and division in our melting pot country. We all would like a smaller government but with that comes changes and we can't even agree on things like racism and white supremacist in this country so good luck with that. Less taxes, we can agree on that too, let's stop giving huge tax cuts to our billionaires and then balancing the deficit on the backs of people who make the smallest amount in a yearly income. I mean a person who is a billionaire shouldn't pay 750 dollars in a year for a tax burden when say a firefighter that makes 75 thousand pays well over 5000 dollars in taxes. We reap what we sow. There are times in this world we have to help our neighbors and people that being abused. I do agree that charity begins at home. Now if we can just get those people in Washington to agree on the same principles we would all be better off.

The Biggest Grifter in the History of the USA ~ The Defendant Criminal Donald Trump!

The man has absolutely NO SHAME!

Had he not been president at the time, he would have been indicted together with his then lawyer, Michael Cohen! But ofcourse, that was not possible as he ‘hid’ behind his presidency, which he was allowed to according to US Law! (What a crazy law!!!)

To avoid trying to be indicted now,
He ‘rushes’ into the 2024 presidential race, hoping not to be indicted , & when he is, almost all in the entire GOP ~ Republican Party say that the only reason this is happening is because he is running again! What a bloody Joke!!!

How the Republicans are able to portray themselves as being THIS SWITCHED OFF is beyond comprehension!

It is the State of New York that has indicted him & NOT the Democrates!

Uff — Lindsey Graham, Jim Jorden, Matt Gaetz, BUSH & Others ~ Wake Up & Grow Up!

O-M-R hahahaha -- Trump has been laundering $ for the Russians since the mid-80s; he was sleeping with his future 2nd wife while still married to his 1st wife; sleeping with his future 3 wife while still married to his 2nd wife....hung out with Epstein FOR YEARS - he's had 6 bankruptcies -- only paid $800 in federal taxes for ~a decade - loses about 93% of the court cases he files btw -- most of those cases are so he doesn't have to pay people who completed jobs for him...MORE? While he was in OUR WH -- the GOP controlled all 3 branches of the gov't for the 1st 2 years -- and he GOT NOTHING DONE except a massive tax break for the top 1% of the top 1% richest and big corporations --so that over 60 companies didn't pay a single federal tax although booking massive earnings; the deficit increased >20% and our debt as a % of our GDP was rising faster in our hx during a non-wartime period. STOP PIVOTING -- OUR Country is stronger in the last 2 years than the 4 years Trump practically tanked our Country. TRUMP IS NOT AN HONEST PERSON. and not a single GOP POLITICIAN has said that he is innocent. NOT A SINGLE ONE!