French minister under fire for Playboy magazine cover

French government minister Marlene Schiappa has come under fire from members of her own party after appearing on the cover of Playboy magazine.


The U.S. Dollar isn't going anywhere, the U.S. Dollar is a more stable currency, the U.S. have the FDIC and the S.E.C., meaning that the U.S. can stave off a Economic Depression and maintain Economic stability, something that China cannot do at all, China have a COMMUNIST GOVERNMENT, China have no FDIC and S.E.C., so the Chinese Currency would crash under an Global economic recession and the country would head into a Economic Depression, The U.S. have the world's largest Stock Exchange (Dow Jones, NASDAQ), there are hundreds of Publicly-traded American companies on the u.s. stock exchange, the u.s. invented the INTERNET, the u.s. is the home of inventors (U.S. Patent Office records) and major American product brands, the U.S. Dollar is backed by a DIVERSIFIED ECONOMY that has been proven since 1776

Playboy is not a magazine for “gender equality” .. it does not work neither for the gender nor for equality ..
not even in its name .. it is “playboy” .. not “play ladies and gentlemen” .. the name of the magazine reflect sexism D
after Trump era .. many thing in this world got broken and does not sound they are recognized as the worst ..
Sorry France you will not get the attention of news that adult start Stormy Dainals had stormed on US former president and got him to court..
.. seems France wants to steal the thunder of Stormy Danial’s storm on Trump