US strike kills senior ISIS leader in Syria, US Central Command says | CNN

A US strike in Syria has killed a senior ISIS leader who planned attacks into Europe


Joe Hancock Hello Greetings to ma/sir. My name is agent Kate Moretti am the agent that work under C.F.D.A the Catalog of Federal domestic Assistance program. I’m here to inform people and this information come from FOX and CNN News that C.F.D.A program giving out money offer to help people who need money to paying bills, buying a home, buying car and truck, starting their own business, medical bills, unemployed, young and old men and womens, widow, divorced, deaf, retired, workers, disable, teachers and to reduce poverty around the world...This grant money it will not be paid back because it's not a loan...So if you are interested to apply for the Grant money send me a private message too apply.

Ramus Connie except if they are some badasses people who doesn't hesitate to come to take revenge in every corner in the planet .. from 911 to Boston marathon, to Paris bataclan, to Manchester arena, To Nice attk, to Orlando night club attk, to Sydney, Milan, Germany, Sweeden, London, and thousands of americans and US allies people stabbed to death to just a few days ago ... we always take revenge, we never forget it even after 100 years, like the old days in Arabia

We are the ones who came to you the day of 911 and had make your people flying from high building while alive and your coward president hiding in his plane for hours in the air scared to death to be on the ground ..
That day only 19 Arabs te,rr0ri,sed a whole nation of cowards and with it the entire western a,postate world ..

Tell me who did it ?!!
Slapping and humiliate the bully in his own land ??
No Soviets, No Japanese No Vietnamese No NKs, Nor Cubans ..
But we Arabs, people of revenge did it ...

And We did it once, we can do it again and again and again ..
