Moments following stabbing of tech executive Bob Lee captured on surveillance video and 911, local news site reports

The moments following the San Francisco stabbing attack of Cash App founder Bob Lee were captured on surveillance video and in a 911 call to authorities.


Cindy Lopez @ The people that is in the world!! And... all we can do is fine more divide about left and right, to talk nonsense and be divided over, instead of coming together everyone to work on horrible things like this (crime) which is all over this country, no matter what city your in ! Where was he going 2:00 A.M. in the morning? Not that it is the issue but just wondering, I mean gosh! People in the world have really turned themselves over to the spirit of evil with reprobate minds! God be with his family! Amen!

John Kowalczyk Crime rates are higher in both rural and urban areas in red states. Crime is higher in those red states because life conditions in those states are the worst in the country, particularly in the Southeast. They rank poorer in education, health care, income, etc. when compared to states in the West or the Northeast.

If liberal policies made crime worse then states run by liberals at the state level would compound with those liberals at the city levels. Instead we see the opposite. Conservative state governments have worse crime in every part of their states. City governments can only do so much when state laws impede their ability to counter the bad policies from Republicans. For example, cities have been forbidden by state governments to allow abortions and cities do not have the funds to run health care systems.

Texas has the most people without health care insurance. Massachusetts has the most people WITH coverage. Texas ranks 30th in life expectancy while Massachusetts ranks 7th. The states with the lowest life expectancies are Mississippi, Louisiana, West Virginia, Alabama, etc. The states with the highest are Washington, Hawaii, Minnesota, California, etc.

Naturally the states with the worst rates of violent crime are South Carolina, Alaska, New Mexico, Arkansas, Tennessee, Louisiana, Missouri, South Dakota, etc., ie states that are overwhelmingly controlled by Republicans and poor (New Mexico being the exception).
