Maternity units are closing across America, forcing expectant mothers to hit the road

Since 2011, 217 hospitals in the United States have closed their labor and delivery departments, according to a report


Opportunity for groups to form Maternity clinics in every region or larger town. The only thing they do is birthing. So not near infectious patients. Rooms that are set up entirely for babies. Maybe pediatric and maternity centers as well as midwife. Could be before birthing like nutritional center for nutrients maximized or even fitness with LaMaze. A doctor could prove to courts and insurance all parameters were covered in that pregnancy. The a central area mothers to be could chat while waiting of contractions because at first they do not come often so you are not alone in it. Then Daddy break places where he can chat with other men who have been through it. What to expect as you take care of baby. That would be much better than near the trauma patients. Personalized nutrition plans once pregnant. Access to foods with not toxic ingredients sprayed on them. That has not been done for women in mass. A place of our own when birthing.

People blame this and that But the quality of doctors is depreciating rapidly. I've seen 3 surgeons in the last 6 months and they were complete morons. 1 was so jacked up on something I couldn't even talk to her, 1 called me a liar when I told him I've got multiple inline incisional hernias and threw a teenage temper tantrum " Only got three CT Scans that say so " and the 3rd wants to turn 1 open surgery into 2. I later found out that hospital got popped for doing unnecessary surgeries and overcharging medicare for years. Finding a capable doc is getting darn near impossible.
