Justice Samuel Alito temporarily extends access to abortion drug while Supreme Court considers case | CNN Politics

JUST IN: Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has extended a hold on a lower court ruling that would have imposed restrictions on access to an abortion drug, a temporary move meant to give the justices more time to consider the issue.



It is all about the $$$ folks! The policy is a vehicle to keep the phony faithful and easily fooled followers on the hook!

Clarence Thomas must be planning his next big vacation or real estate deal with his “good friend” Harlan Crowe. What a convenient time to have “Justice” Clarence Thomas in office - so his “good friend” can call in his chips! How many of these other “Justices” have such gifts provided by billionaire “good friends” under this John Robert’s Court Leadership???

Clarence Thomas apparently can’t live on his $285,000 s year salary. Clarence Thomas is clearly a corrupt, criminal Justice on the highest court in the land and thinks that puts him above the reach of law enforcement! Time to remind Clarence and the rest of the judges that violating federal laws is not allowed for any American - including the corrupt, criminal Clarence!

"Laws like the Comstock Act are relics of an era when constitutional rights barely existed
On the day President Grant signed the Comstock Act into law, free speech rights, at least as we know them today, did not exist.

Much of modern-day constitutional law was developed in opposition to Comstockian censorship
Werbel argues in her book that “the sheer, massive volume of cases initiated by Comstock” dramatically accelerated the development of numerous areas of US law, including “separation of church and state, protection from unwanted search and seizure, the right to privacy, and freedom from entrapment,” by forcing lawyers to flesh out concepts of individual rights that were underdeveloped before Comstock started prosecuting publishers, artists, and health providers." [READ MORE]


Because THEY, the 2 old Leonard Leo owned Fascist Rulers, and HIS hand picked trump GOP 3 Stooges are seeing the devastation they have caused on Women Right? ...Probably not. Or they wouldn't have taken Rights away in the first place. That was Leo. Fascist Leonard Leo in the Photo with Clarence Thomas smoking a Cigar on a Deck with Millionaires. He controls gerrymandering, abortion rights overturning, Election being Controlled, Money in SS and Medicare. his group is "Republicans Hate Democracy". The GOP Judges were Leo's. Read about him 3 Investigations on Leo and his group have been done. HE controls 1.2 Billion Dollars for the Republican and, yep, trump money. https://www.nytimes.com/2...dark-money.html

ChatGPT: Political Implications:
The article discusses a Supreme Court ruling that upholds a state law restricting the use of abortion-inducing drugs. This ruling could have significant political implications as it may embolden other states to enact similar laws and could lead to increased challenges to abortion access. The decision may also energize anti-abortion activists while causing concern among abortion rights supporters.

Legal Analysis and Real-World Consequences:
The Supreme Court ruling could have significant legal implications, as it upholds a state law that places restrictions on the use of abortion-inducing drugs. This decision could potentially pave the way for more state-level restrictions on abortion access. It could also impact how lower courts view challenges to similar laws, potentially making it more difficult for abortion rights advocates to successfully challenge these types of laws in the future.

From a real-world perspective, this ruling could make it harder for individuals seeking abortions to access safe and effective medical care, particularly in states that have already implemented or plan to implement similar laws. This could lead to an increase in unsafe abortions or force individuals to travel out of state to access care, which could be financially and logistically burdensome. It could also disproportionately impact marginalized communities with less access to healthcare and resources, further exacerbating existing health disparities
