Grand jury declines to indict Akron police officers in killing of Jayland Walker

A grand jury has declined to indict Akron police officers in 2022 shooting death of 25-year-old Jayland Walker, the Ohio attorney general announces


A very sad thing to happen, madness of youth leads them killed because of carrying guns in the first place,not an effective way to reduce population or chemical attacks as happened in corona, exceptions don't change the rules but for corrupt cops it's because they were cheaters in highschool before they got admitted to the police academy for which they are considered disqualified for that reason they should deal with the issue of photographing exams and text messaging them out of exam hall to be solved out by God only knows who, since it turned out to be a fact that that sort of actions has lead to the degradation of universities as well which is why you have children in positions of power and that brain can't hold a machine gun artillery or whatever not forgetting that so many police officers paid a lot of bribes to certain high power people to become what they are meaning that even if they were psychologically disordered blind eyed deaf limping they demand sensitive places of power motivated by superstition in the first place and common sense they never got rid of what education means ,so you have those sorts of issues likes a school shooting leading me to say that they should make holding a gun linked to school birds hunt for example pigs in the wild , and even those Kung Fu materials,my point is changing the ways of punishment like for example tieing a person to a top of a tree from both hands using handcuffs for three days as a punishment for carrying a gun ,so many countries of the world allows not people of civil state arming in a country considered the first military arm power , because killing a person no matter what was the reason is not a good idea since his dead soul only will hunt your body and cause you nightmares kill you eventually as a punishment, it's good news the death of an enemy but for natural reasons that you legally have nothing involved in ,this means you are not a god because you have a gun since people feared the gun not you since you as a human you are not scary at all you are more like a meal face to face with a this proves how helpless you are and abondoned.

Bran Yamm so, it is either zero or 100%? If the person physically resists, and it becomes a danger of a life being lost, like grabbing for the officer’s gun, then what happens is what happens…
But if the person is just running away from the officers, then I see no reason for police to get violent.. simply follow the person to wherever they go and surround them (they do this in Camden, NJ). Eventually they give up, and a life is saved, and the American justice system gets respect instead of criticism…

Btw, it is not our side who wants to defund the FBI and DOJ, talking about anarchy…

There is little doubt that Jayland Walker planned that "Suicide By Cop" after his fiancee died in an accident the previous month. Walker knew that the BLM vultures would be out to sue the Akron police for millions of dollars because the Akron police had:
"Shot and killed an unarmed Black man".
That is why I believe that Walker left the gun and gold wedding band in his car when he fled on foot, as proof that he was "unarmed" when he got shot by the Akron police.
Note that Walker tried that same stunt the day before with the New Franklin police.

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