They dated as teenagers. 40 years later, she decided to go on vacation with him

Bo Knapp and Beverly Scott dated for a few months back in 1968, when they were in the eighth grade. Over four decades later, they reunited at a school reunion and fell in love on a spontaneous sailing vacation.


I want to thank Dr Powerful for helping me to restore back my family, I and my husband was divorce for 2 years and he moved out of our home and stayed with his mistress. I was still in love with my husband and I wanted him back to my life and his kids, I was going through Facebook and I stumble on a post on how Dr Powerful restore and reunite a broken relationship and home with his powerful spell so I decide to give it a try and contacted Dr Powerful and he told me what to do and I obeyed his instructions carefully and 3 days later my husband came begging on his kneels for forgiveness and today we are back together living as one happy family again, all thanks to Dr Powerful. Contact him today via WhatsApp +2349156551516 Email:

Marlon Davis 6. Lunatic Putin did not attempt to finish his invasion of Ukraine that he started with Crimea in 2014 while Joe Biden was VP, until Joe Biden became POTUS in 2021. China, like lunatic PUTIN, recognizes that the United States now has a weak president, and is eyeing Taiwan. POTUS Joey is now sending US military troops to Taiwan.

7. The fact that a Chinese spy balloon wasn’t shot down off the coast of Alaska, just shows how incompetent the US defense system is, particularly under the pathetic leadership of POTUS Joey. It traveled for a week across the United States. I wonder how much beneficial intelligence information Beijing was able to acquire through livestream, that Joe and Hunter will or already have been paid for. Disgusting.

8. The now apparent President of UKRAINE - Joey Biden, has pledged endless support for the war in Ukraine, but can’t be bothered to visit Ohio to pledge endless support to Americans, from the unhealthy, disastrous chemical mushroom cloud that resulted from a train derailment.

9. The recent collapse of banks.

10. Pentagon classified document leaks of intelligence information.

please don't be indifferent, if you can't help, please repost, this is also help, we are in a difficult situation now, the war has deprived me of any means of livelihood, I take care of my mother and the cat, homeless animals abandoned by bad people.I am asking for help personally for myself, I have nothing to do with the president of Ukraine, he has his own politics and nothing reaches us from other countries,all over the world help each other, regardless of race or nation, because man is either man or beast now.My PayPal for help me: Please help me to survive, not to die of hunger. Please be merciful to me, help with a repost, it's also a big help.

I keep 'fairly trying' to watch CNN programs but every single time I watch, they are lying or wrong about their facts and news.. FOX News is not perfect but at least they are always at least 10 times more accurate in their posts and reporting. Here is just one example I just watched a few minutes ago on CNN: CNN spread more FAKE News.. on their CNN broadcast, Eva Longoria: Searching for Mexico, CNN said Texas was owned by Spain and then following Mexico.. That is FAKE NEWS yet again... CNN never can report facts correctly... Eva Longoria lied too about how many generations her family has lived in Texas.... Here is the order of recent history ownership of Texas territory and CNN intentionally did not mention France because they are still running with the Mexico agenda... and notice the very short number of years it was under Mexico ownership (about only 15 years). CNN does not want people to learn true history, only their fake agendas: Spain (1519-1685; 1690-1821)
France (1685-1690)
Mexico (1821-1836)
Republic of Texas (1836-1845)
Confederate States of America (1861-1865)
United States of America (1845-1861; 1865- to Present)

Marlon Davis I’m curious about the personal relationship that you seem have with Andrea Ekeng Inyang, Marlon. How do you know that Andrea doesn’t care about the economy of America, or the effects of these 2 lovebird’s story, reported by CNN? Please, do elaborate with specific details.

China Joe Biden, his appointed border czar, Kamala Harris, and democrats had majority control of both branches of Congress for 2 years, from Jan 2021 until Jan 2023. What are President Biden’s accomplishments for Americans living in the United States, that you think are going to get him elected for a 2nd term, if he decides to run? Many Americans who voted for President Biden can’t recognize his numerous failures, but I will name a few:

Number 1. Arguably, President Biden's greatest failure was/is his pathetic exit strategy devised to finalize the evacuation of our remaining 2,500 troops from Afghanistan. The US military is now having difficulty recruiting Americans to serve our country.

2. By reversing the previous administration’s Remain in Mexico Policy with an EO, we have a complete breakdown at our southern border as we have watched over 4 million migrants approach and millions have crossed without being properly vetted and vaccinated, and where human and drug traffickers continue to operate, exacerbating a lethal drug crisis in the United States. Billions of dollars have been spent defending the borders of Ukraine.
