GOP blocks Democratic effort to replace Feinstein on Judiciary panel | CNN Politics

Republicans blocked a Democratic effort to replace Sen. Dianne Feinstein on the Judiciary Committee as she recovers from shingles


Clark Guelde And Republicans would applaud that, since they would have once again said F-U to the American people and what they democratically chose in free and fair elections - despite the Republicans' best efforts to steal those elections. You may think that's a great thing now, but when Republicans' tactics are used against them, they squeal like stuck pigs and howl at supposed assaults on democracy. BTW, as recently as 10 - 15 years ago the Senate would have not thought twice about seating a substitute when a Senator was not able to serve. The Republicans were Americans first and party members second. Not anymore. And not something to be proud of.

Michael Sims It's a little different, of course. First of all, the Republicans stole a seat from President Obama, in defiance of the will of the People. Second, the Republicans slammed Barrett and especially Kavanaugh without anything close to the level of "advise and consent" that the Senate had done for virtually all Supreme Court Nominees over the past 2 centuries; this included withholding significant information on Kavanaugh normally provided months in advance of confirmation votes until the night before the vote. Third, Trump, who did not get a majority of voters in 2016 (and probably stole the election overall, as we will likely soon find out), appointed 1/3 of the current bench; meaning that 2/3 of the Supreme Court represents the views of 1/3 of Americans. Democracy only works when the parties play by the rules, but Republicans have repeatedly demonstrated that they are not interested in democracy.
