There were seven mass shootings on Saturday - the most of any day this year | CNN

One day, seven mass shootings


Thomas Nance

"“The mother said whoever had guns had to get out and they didn’t get out and five minutes later the shooting started,” she said. “I ran in front of a bullet and got shot. I didn’t know what was going on I just saw blood coming out of my arm.”

She said she knew the girl who was having the party, but that young people from outside Dadeville were also at the party. She said she knew the victims who died.

“They meant a lot to me,” she said. “I saw a group of girls dancing and that’s when the gunshots went off.”

Taniya said she went to the back of the room and there were “other shooters.”

“They told me to get out of the way, or I would get shot,” she said."


So they locked kids up for two years with Covid. They buried themselves in social media and video games and now we are wondering why they are going nuts? We have liberal DA not prosecuting criminals. An open border where China and cartel are exploiting human and drug trafficking. Leaders who are more interested in politics then right or wrong. A media that exploits every political and racial issue for profit. And everyone on here thinks taking guns away is answer? Got news for everyone if someone wants to kill someone they will find away. But taking right away from someone to defend themselves is only going emboldened criminals and make things worse

It seems like the police have not learned anything from Uvalde. The police are doing the same thing as the cops at Uvalde.
What is wrong with people in America? It is horrible. People are afraid to go out if their homes. It's pretty bad when you can't turn around in someone's driveway.
I hate to say it but America has deteriorated since Trump was president.
Thoughts and prayers DO NOT CUT IT ANYMORE!!!
WE MUST vote those Congressmen and governor's, and legislatures out of office that REFUSE to take action. They have their hands very deep in NRA pockets.

Of the 160+ mass shootings this year the vast majority are committed by black and brown gangs. This isn’t covered because it doesn’t fit the liberal news media’s narrative. Who kills more people or causes more damage to private property? White Supremacist or black and brown gangs? Black and brown gangs. Who is an Existential Threat To Democracy? The ones that kill more people and damage/destroy the most public/private property. Who commits the majority of mass shootings. Black and brown gangs. Black and brown gangs sure aren’t conservatives. I am tired of liberals saying there are more people of color in prison then other races. Maybe it is because they commit more crime.

Clark Richards ..I did read it…you can tie it to Heller, quote Scalia, stand by the ruling of the 4th circuit…it doesn’t matter. The purpose of the 2A is clear, it is to maintain the right to keep and bear arms for use against an opponent, whoever that may be, who seeks to usurp liberty.
You know, full well, that mean potential fighting, therefore arms suitable for that purpose are protected.
We can also revisit US vs Miller that a sawed off shotgun has no suitable purpose to militia use. So therefore that is apparently not considered a fighting arm for militia purposes.

Brent Ashley many gun owners in the US are cowardly thugs or frightened lil people who hide behind guns to try to intimidate people...we see it all the time on our tvs, prancing buffoons and draft dodgers. And most decent Americans are concerned at the images on tv bulletins around the world showing our barbarity and lack of concern about the wholesale slaughter of our children and citizens because of the mindless lack of gun controls...its what makes them civilised. The isolationist morons who care more about their pathetic guns than they do about their children disgusts humanity...and their weasel excuses are seen as embarassing.

blame the democrats , this mass shooting crap did not happen in these sorts of numbers under Trump. Democrat policy and ideology is creating confused and angry young people. Not to mention democrat no bail policies of arrest and release allowing repeat offenders to keep repeating crime. Where is the manifesto and the many journals of the trans nashville, the biden owned fbi dont seem to be releasing that info...could it be because the shooters words indicate a hate crime against christians the immoral democrats dont want to admit to?....or that the trans shooter was angry that he was encouraged by immoral left wing to go trans and realized it made him into suicidal and depressed.....release this shooters manifesto and journals to the media now....if it was a right wing shooter the media and biden would have released this information lickety split....they dont like christians...notice how kamala harris didnt speak in nashville at the christian school and offer, she deflects and makes a plaza speech about gun control....hahahaha....see what immorals and frauds these democrats are today? ...uh huh......glad a republican congress is going to subpoena for this shooters manifesto if the government wont freely release it.

Clark Richards you ARE partially correct on the anti-paramilitary law. Generally what it states is that individuals or groups may not train in the military arts with the intent of committing insurrection, rebellion, or plotting overthrow of a duly elected government. It does NOT prohibit them from banding together and training in the military arts simply to form an armed and ready group.
There is nothing in the federal statute requiring the “unorganized militia” to be officially recognized by the state. The statute makes it clear that the “organized militia” is that which is controlled by the state, namely the ARNG and naval reserve

New world order agenda to rid guns. The way to get the people to support the agenda is have lots of gun violence. To have guns the #1 topic daily in a negative way. To hire the weak to push the agenda on social media. Not prosecuting the masses who have committed a gun crime to scare people into wanting guns gone. Always avoiding the real reason why guns are picked up and used in a crime by the mental illness individual. The masses thought new world order was crazy talk but corrupt joe biden is just 1 politician to say it's been activated

10ºI don't really want to hear about gun control from the democrats after they released one of the most prolific black arms dealers in modern history for a basketball player. They want to know how illegal weapons end up on the streets and yet they traded one of the people that was known for putting such illegal weapons on the streets Of many countries. Fentanyl and other such keeps coming through the southern border but they seem to think that guns won't come through that same border as illegal drugs as well. The democrats and their actions with their wants afterwards are completely ascenine.
