Recovery of Black teen allegedly shot by White homeowner after ringing wrong doorbell is a miracle, attorney says | CNN

A Black teenager who authorities say was shot by an 84-year-old White homeowner after going to the wrong Kansas City address has received a positive prognosis but still faces a long road to recovery as his family fights for justice in his case, according to his attorneys


Brenda Reeser one side of the story says that the young man was trying to physically open the door. The other side of the story says that he wasn’t. There doesn’t seem to be much dispute about the timeframe, which was about 10 PM. It’s been said that it was a glass door, but that’s a pretty vague description without more specifics. It could’ve been a storm door. It could’ve been a metal or wood door with a glass insert. There are a lot of facts that we still don’t know about this case. For all you know, the old men could’ve had a black mother or father. He could’ve had a black wife. heck, he could be gay and married to a black man for all we know. Despite the absence of so many facts, you rush to judgment and proclaimed this a racist event.  Perhaps the old man who was a closet racist waited 86 years until the perfect opportunity arrived to shoot an innocent black kid on his porch and get away with it. Or, another more likely scenario is that for whatever reason the young black man was indeed pulling at the door handle at 10 PM at the wrong house and got shot not because he was black, but because of the totality of the circumstances. Or the old guy is just a racist. One of those sounds a little more plausible to me than the other one, although I can think for myself, and I’m not your typical gullible CNN follower.

Steve Abraham the incident occurred at 10pm. One party says he tried to gain access to a locked door. The other party says that he didn’t. We don’t know if there were porch lights, or if the old guy that did the shooting could even see who he was shooting at. I’ve heard it said it was a “glass door” but that leaves a lot of room for interpretation and I wouldn’t take CNN’s word for it when they use the description “glass door” as they’ve been known to manipulate info to persuade gullible people like you.  We don’t know if the shooter was married to a black woman (or even a black man) or if he had a black mother or father. My point is, we really don’t know much about this yet, but you’ve instantly and automatically turned it into a racial issue. Tell me again, who is the real racist here?

All of the rappers and hiphop artists get their material from everyone and then lie and say it’s theirs.They are all fake really like that and al have kids with girls that were 13-15 when they had the baby…could’ve met them when they were 9…and then they have a grown wife to cover it up.All of the big names Eminem,Kendrick,DrDre,ALL of them.Rihanna was the lightskinned black girl Eminem was talking about with green eyes but they were together but she was 11 and12 at first but she thinks he’s cool for going down on her and taking her around the world and other girls and even having children with them when she was only 11,12,13 thru her teens!!!! ALL of the rappers hiphop have stories like that to learn if you meet them!!!no one should pay for hip hop music anymore

Bryan Dwight He did see the young man. His name is Ralph yarl. He has a name. And Mr. Yarl went to two other houses for help after he was shot by the homeowner. This 84 year old killer represents most who live in this country and their beliefs. Any movement coming from a young black man couild be a matter of life and death. The bigotry, the hate and the need to hate has got to go. Ralph Yarl had a future --- he is studying to become an engineer. He loves music and plays a saxophone. His life has changed permanently because a racist old man decided to kill him based on his height.? Really?

Bryan Dwight all true, CNN lies every Time they put out a story. Almost anyone who gets a knock on their door after dark should be on alert. If the person then opens the outer door it’s even more alertness. On the other hand, anyone knocking on a stranger’s door should be extremely cautious and not take actions that could be misinterpreted. The young man may not have been aware or thinking about all the possibilities of his actions. He most likely didn’t have enough life experiences to consider the situation. More investigation is needed. Why did the parents send the child, why did he go to the wrong house, why wasn’t there arrangements made like on the phone when he arrived? All the what if’s lined up at the worst time and disaster happened. So sad.

Bryan Dwight, what was the second shot for once the kid was down on the ground? The kids said he never pulled the handle (which was a locked glass door). The feared for his life part because of the kid size in his statement. The report said the kid was not even 6ft and less than 170lbs....Yeah! Write another book in the comments. Trying to add small nuances to justify this man's actions while leaving out other details, shows why race is so prevalent in this country.

It's the conscious, unconscious, cognitive, inherent, and illicit bias that always show up from white people when one of their own acts violently against another race is what astounds me, but then again not really.

Timmer Naylor you just don’t have the grasp of reality. Should he have fired the gun, no, in his evaluation when the young looking man reached for the door handle he thought someone was coming in. Should the young man have just knocked and announced himself, sure that’s the safe and expected action when anyone approaches someone’s door. Why did he? He should have known, was he ever taught not to approach a stranger’s door and attempt to enter without permission? Why would someone do that? It’s all a horrible mistake from him making the mistake and the elderly man thinking he was about to be attacked. Everyone and everything caused this tragedy, not the gun.

Connie Jameson you have proven on this feed an inability to empathize with a mother who almost lost her son because a man chose to fire on someone instead of firing a warning shot in the air. This man had his wits about him since he had the ability to grab his gun; it sounds like he was pretty collected before he shot Ralph. He said, “he feared for his life.” Ralph had not breached the door. This man made a decision that almost ended Ralph’s life. He could have made another one that night that would have left Ralph uninjured. He and he alone is responsible for what happened to Ralph.

Carolyn A Markovic My Daddy had 3 young guys, masked and hooded hop his locked fence…..clearly was going to break in. He opened his door with his pistol, told them to get out his yard and take whatever they were up to somewhere else. He was a Vietnam vet and had PTSD, trust me shooting them could have happened easily. But why not though? He had self control, and even though he knew they were up to no good, he didn’t want to hurt anyone. That man saw a young black kid and thought the worse, that’s why he did what he did. And yes my Daddy has dealt with break in’s before.

10ºMichael Brooks I don’t have any data on the specific demographics of the ANTIFA terrorists or BLM rioters, other than they clearly weren’t conservative republicans.

“The worst riot in US history” claim is completely subjective. Of course the liberal news media would have you believe it is

Since we seem to be in agreement that we need to stick to facts, how’s about we let the justice system take it from here, and quit trying to bypass democracy and prove this old man in Kansas City is a condemned racist in the court of public opinion?

It’s no more fair to call the kid a potential thief than it is to call the old man a racist.
