Anheuser-Busch facilities face threats after Bud Light backlash

A pair of Instagram posts by influencer Dylan Mulvaney sparked a mix of online backlash and support and became a target in conservative media.


Luis Victoria I don't give 2 what someone wants to pretend to be.

I do care that this guy that couldn't make it anywhere being a man suddenly is on a pedestal pretending to be a woman. I mean he's not even pretending to be a woman he acts like a 12 year old girl. I mean he is making a mockery of what a woman is and you cheer him on.

I also do care that the left enabled mental illness. If you think being one of the 50 gender types isn't a mental illness that's delusional. They have the highest suicide rate among any group, and 4 of the last 5 mass shooters fell into that category of being trans/NB (and he 5th was a Black Democrat.) But you all seem too want to normalize it. Not because it's good for them but b cause you can wake up on the morning pat yourself on the back and say "I am such a nice person." It doesn't matter that your feeding into a person's mental illness, you weren't mean right?

In 1975, the nation’s urban gun owners were faced with the threat of federal gun controls that would apply strictly to urban areas that kicked in when crime rates hit a certain score.

Pushed hard by then-President Gerald Ford’s attorney general, Edward H. Levi, the plan was to disarm selected city and suburban residents of their right to armed self-defense.

Shockingly, Levi was more concerned with lawfully armed citizens than illegally armed criminals. In April 1975, he told a law enforcement conference, “[W]e must try to act immediately to counter a dangerous trend in our cities, in which citizens, skeptical of the government’s ability to protect them, seek to guarantee their personal safety through a terrible balance of force.”

Terrible balance of force? He was talking about armed citizens—good people versus evil criminals, where only the good can be disarmed. And he was talking about populations of majority black and Hispanic urban residents.

He was also demanding a prohibitive tax on so-called “Saturday Night Specials.” “Short of prohibition,” Levi wrote, “a taxing system could be developed to price this variety of weapon out of existence. The only advantage to purchasers of these low-quality weapons is their low price.”

Low price? Read that to mean that poor black and Hispanic people were buying them. On Capitol Hill, we argued the racist nature of all of this, and we quietly changed the debate. The urban disarmament schemes were defeated. It was ILA’s first Civil Rights victory.

In our 146-year history, open doors for minorities, and defense of our common rights, has been at the center of the NRA’s existence. For all Americans—especially minorities who are the victims of crime—the NRA is America’s safest place.

Lu Beck I think you’re confused. We don’t care if you wanna throw out out all the bud light you already paid for and start buying other brands, we’re just here to let you know that they pretty much all support the LGBT+. Just wait till pride month and see how many brands come out with rainbow cans.

So if you wanna be effective ya’ll would want to lay off beer, Walmart/great value, target, pretty much any major brand. It’s up to you but if you can’t stand by your convictions against all the companies supporting the LGBT community then are you really standing up for your “cause” or are you just being performative?

Andy Arnett if you equate right and wrong to whether or not an action was taken by a Democrat or a Republican, then you are part of what's wrong in America. For you to feel that you are right, you have obviously forgotten that the employees are real, living, breathing people who are trying to work to take care of themselves and their families. They also had nothing to do with a marketing decision. They are the people you are saying it is okay to threaten. Right will always be right. Wrong can never be right. Thinking it's okay to harm innocent people because you believe your political rival harmed innocent people is wrong. You are wrong and so hyped up on partisanism that the only thing that matters is making your political rivals look bad at all costs, even if it means saying they did something wrong so now you're willing to do the same. If it was wrong for them, then it is wrong for you, too. You're using the word boycott, but this article was about threats to AB facilities and employees. Threats are not boycotts, no matter how you try to spin it.

Luis Victoria the fact Lia Thomas is a MAN as well as going from a mid 500’s ranked swimmer while competing against men to one of the top ranked swimmers against women in a women’s competition is all the proof needed. He had a less than average ranking against his male counterparts yet against women he soared to the top ranking.

If a male NBA player decided he wanted to be trans and joined the WNBA do you think the women would have a fair and equal playing field against him seeing that on average he would be more than 6 inches taller than any of the women and physically stronger than any of them?

Women have been fighting for equal rights and opportunities for the past 60 years, the movement support claimed by the Democrat Party and now that same party suddenly wants to reverse 60 years of hard work by allowing men to take over women’s sports.

Luis Victoria I don’t oppose inclusion or equality but when a group of people forces another to accept a belief or ideology or they will be threatened, destroyed, silenced and falsely labeled, that isn’t inclusion that is a form of tyranny.
example, Riley Gaines. A female swimmer is invited to speak at a college supporting women athlete’s rights as she see’s them. A mob of people assault her to stop her from speaking and she is forced to hold up in a class room for hours in fear of her life. The mob opposed her freedom of speech regarding how she feels about a topic, so by assaulting her and making her fear for her life they silenced her free speech. That is not practicing inclusion or equality rather mob rule and tyranny against an opposing idea, belief and certainly women’s rights.

Luis Victoria the so called consensus only applies mostly to doctors in the US these days, other countries that have lead the way on this topic since the 70’s have now adamantly come out against such belief after decades of scientific studies on the effects of gender reassignment and the damage it causes.
Also, gender reassignment doesn’t change a man into a women it only changes their outward appearance, not their DNA make up or anything else that could scientifically make them a women.
A man who has undergone gender reassignment surgery still can’t have babies or a period because they are still genetically and biologically a man.
You would have to be a complete science denier to believe anything other than that.

Kristine Boc Lady I'm not the one who initially came here with the tired old Trumplican mantra "Go Woke Go Broke". You f*cking bigots are all alike. You have the unmitigated gall to call ME narrow minded when you can't f*cking handle a rainbow on a can of bad beer. For the record, honey, I'm a gay man who A. doesn't even like the taste of beer and B. doesn't argue with homophobes and bigots. If you can't handle a trans person promoting beer, you need to go home, draw your blinds, and pretend it's 1951 where you'd be safe and sound. Y'all are truly exhausting.

Americas media needs to stop pushing the false impression of acceptance and then acting surprised when bills & legislation are passed against those things or protests against those things take place, which then debunks their medias claim of support and acceptance.
Americans should be asking why their media tries to cater to less than a percent while the 99% are called some kind of "ist" while being told they have some type of "phobia".
And where are the women in America, if they've figured out what a woman is, coming forward in rage after their years of fighting for their rights just to lose jobs to men who are trying to be women?
Nike, Bud Light, Chips Ahoy, NCAA, Build a Bear, are just a few whose board members sat in a room and thought, oh yeah, this is what our fans & customers want.
Why does America have drag queen halftime shows but no Victoria Secret halftime shows?
Why does America force their athletes to wear lgbt pride apparel but the lgbt aren't forced to wear heterosexual pride apparel? Why don't America have parades just for heterosexuals? Why don't the NCAA listen to the athletes & their parents? Why did Build a Bear go with Ru Paul instead of ANYONE else?
And notice how quickly Americas media swept the church school shooting under the rug? What about the trans shooter in Portland? Did you hear about that? No? Well what about the trans teacher in Florida who was just terminated? Hear about that?
Nah, Americas media has to keep those things hush hush because that goes against their narrative.
Americas media, along with these sport leagues, know they're pushing the false impression of acceptance but they don't care because it's part of their create hate & divide agenda.
America, where Obama made people want trump and men can have babies
