Clickbait Fashion Is Taking Over Your Feed - The Assignment with Audie Cornish - Podcast on CNN Audio

Are trends dead? Why are we so eager to move on to the next thing? On The Assignment, Audie Cornish asks experts what the state of fashion can tell us about the economy – and ourselves.


Fake news selling propaganda for democrats everyone in America knows this. Let's talk about democrats desperately using this fake attack on trump to distract from the news of Biden family bribes from China and fake news covering for them. Or hunter's Bank accounts and them taking bribes all along and fake news covering for them. Or Russia and North Korea threatening nuclear war with China and Iran siding with them and democrats want your guns? And fake news covering for them. Or democrats destroying oil production and economy while blaming everyone else for their actions and fake news covering for them. Or democrats letting millions of illegal aliens in to the country and fake news covering for them. Or democrats desperately fighting for the right to kill babies and sterilize kids and fake news covering for them.
