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Republicans Score a Bombshell WIN over the Woke manhattan wannabee DA --House Republicans Win , Manhattan DA end fight over Trump inquiry has Agrees to Testifiy Under Oath that He has done alomost NOTHING to stop New York Crime and Lets Many Bad Repeat Offender Criminals Get a Free Get out Jail Card ...Bragg is Toast ..People gotta remember , You are NOT just going after Trump ..Your also Challenging over 200 Million Loyal Trump Supporters Brains ;..I can Promiss You --Bragg is NOT Smarter than 200 Million People some with Over 50 years of Legal Skills and Knowledge ..

Screw CNN how dare you use Ren our amazing British musician and inspiring young man for your pathetic badly covered bull crap story about tic tok !!!!!! Taking one line of his song and making out it's influencing young kids FFS !!!!! He's aiding people in making sense of mental illness and how to recover guess what if we stop talking about it it doesn't go away you are not coming up with answers !!! Since when has media like yourselves ever been true when have you ever actually ever written articles that don't include over written garbage that's over dramatised to sell papers you your selves expose other to lies and hate and negativity I'd actually say it's media that's to blame for much of the mental health in our society you bleed things out into the world that is not helpful and yet you sit in your high tower with Claire Duffy making stuff up !! Try being objective and understand that humans are better if they can find others that have felt like they have !!! Mental health is always being silenced !!!! Your media machine manipulates and is the main cause of society turning on it self people like Ren are trying to bring a solution ! You are hypocrites your lack of research lazy reporting disgusts me !!!! Maybe read your own crap from the last 20 years and the sensationalism and drama you created and wonder why ?!?! Look in the mirror Cnn leave our Ren the hell alone !!!!!!! #ImwithRen #Truthmatters #Leaveourrenalone #mediaaretoblame
