Judge denies bail for man charged in 2017 Charlottesville march

A judge has denied bond to a man accused in the 2017 White supremacist march in Charlottesville, Virginia, citing allegations the man continued to participate in antisemitic incidents after the infamous event at the University of Virginia.



Ernest Grouns Your biased articles are not proof. You can't prove anything of what you say. The history Channel is known to be inaccurate These are all just accounts given by other democrats. The southern strategy was about the Republicans demonstrating to southern democrats that continuing to vote for racist/ socialist democrats was against their economic interest. What gave democrats the opening to use this strategy against the Republicans was Republicans utilized racist political bigots who were democrats themselves to help win votes for Republicans. This prompted GOP opponents to misrepresent the Republicans purpose and label it racist when it was about economics and not race . You cannot say that today's southern Republicans are yesterday's southern democrats based on a hunch. Robert Byrd used the N word later in his life so apparently he was racist til the day he died. You are telling me to be opened minded when these articles are slanted towards you opinions and refuse to read opposing articles. There are first hand accounts of LBJ being a big time racist but of course you won't believe that because it goes against your narrative. Ultimately it comes down to you saying the Republicans of today are the racist dixiecrats of the past and there's no proof either thru legislation or otherwise that Republicans of today are racist. This is your ultimate goal. You try to ignore and brush off racist legislation by democrats past and present.

Gary Greene First you said I couldn't name a single democrat turned republican, then I named 3, then you said "name more". Goalpost moving is a sure sign you've lost the debate. You are trying to shift the debate into other tangential areas because you are losing ground in this one. You seem to think that "the proof is against you with the majority democrats filibustering the civil rights act. Most of which were southern democrats and the vast majority of Northern Republicans supported it..." Just because they hadn't officially changed their party D to an R doesn't mean that ideologically they were aligned with where the Democrat party was going at that moment in history (1960's). The party change was more gradual, but nonetheless occurred. Some stayed Democrat longer for the purposes of local elections, but in time nearly all of them defected to the Republican side. Of course they filibustered it! They wanted to maintain the old south. Your mistake is taking a blanket black and white approach to US politics when in fact the parties have always shared an ideological spectrum depending on the region of the US they are in. Northern Republicans have always been more moderate and were very much in support of the Civil Rights Act along with other Democrats (non-southern) of the 60's. It was the southern democrats, the Dixiecrats, that revolted. Why do you think Strom and the others changed party affiliation, why wouldn't they just stay Democrats? Again, you are confusing the label with the contents. It's a common theme with southern apologists who are typically republican in this day and age. You take no responsibility for your ideological views overtly, and try to attach them to your enemies. It's classic projection. You claim Democrats are the racists, and yet you would LOVE to vote for someone like Strom Thurmond, Governor Wallace, David Duke, etc. You can't rewrite history to fit your narrative, and nothing you can say will make it real as long as people like myself check you in public. As I can see from other comments here, you have only made a fool of yourself. Do better.

Gary Greene Strom Thurmond was not the only one. I literally gave you 3 names for starters (there were more). It took decades, it was not instantaneous but there were key elements that spurred the change. The south was dominantly democrat during and in the decades after the civil war, but after the Civil Rights movement, and since the 70's, they are a Republican stronghold. There's one reason for that. Use whatever mental gymnastics you want to make the revisionist nature of your comments fit, but the Republicans are the true racists and have been actively undermining diversity and equal rights for decades. I can explain it to you, I can't understand it for you.

Ernest Grouns Only Strom dude but give me more than the 3. You can't even name one law that Republicans past to oppress minorities. Diversity is law in every aspect of America and Republicans never fought against Diversity or equality. You cannot name one instance. Again that was democrats. Equity is not equality. You can't name anything a minority can't do that a " white man" can. You keep blathering about how Republicans are racist with absolutely not proof. You say after the civil war southern democrats switched parties but theirs no proof and in fact the proof is against you with the majority democrats filibustering the civil rights act. Most of which were southern democrats and the vast majority of Northern Republicans supported it. You can't have it both ways.

Gary Greene Basically you are saying your too lazy to educate yourself. But a few notables during that time were Strom Thurmond, John Connally, Mills E Godwin Jr. You already know this so I’ll chalk up your ignorance to willfulness. The Dixiecrat Party, The Civil Rights Act of 1964, Nixons Southern Strategy, all of this is part of the migration of the old southern democrats to the Republican Party in the decades after WWII. To put it in words that might help- you can remove the ketchup from the bottle and add mustard. Once you’ve done that, to continue to call it ketchup because the label says ketchup is just dumb. Learn more, do better, rise above.

Gary Greene There is loads and loads of proof, if you'd care to read it, I even linked some really good articles on the subject, if you'd care to open your mind and read it. Southern Republicans now are MOSTLY the southern democrats of the past, or at the very least, the southern democrat defection led to the south voting solidly republican ever since. The entire political complexion of the south, and the voting block flipped solidly republican in less than a single generation. Spin that however you want, but you'll look silly ignoring the obvious. One thing I haven't mentioned is the story itself that you initially commented on in this ridiculous thread. Instead of calling out the individuals in this article for their racism, you used your energy to attack a political party instead with a false narrative in the attempt to shift blame elsewhere. So yeah, If you support them, you are a racist, and your entire comment debris field is nothing more than projection and scapegoating.

Ernest Grouns As I said in a prior post. Strom Thurmond was the only one. The majority of democrats filibustered the civil rights act of 1964. 80% of house Republicans voted for the act and 68% democrats voted for it. Similar numbers in the senate. Even if these 3 switched parties ( which they didn't ) it hardly adds up to a great switch. Again keep searching liberal sites to back up your revisionist history. You really should look up LBJ's racist N word laced recordings and Bidens Eulogy for grand wizard Robert Byrd. The democrats are the true racists.

Gary Greene My opinion is just well known political history. It is supported overwhelmingly by political scientists, historians, history teachers, political pundits, journalists, Republicans and Democrats alike. The ramifications of that party shift are one thing (open to debate). That it (the shift in the south) was caused by the underlying racial component is not up for debate, it just is. There's a veritable sea of articles, books, archived commentary, demographic data, etc. to reinforce my opinion. I've asked you to share counter-argument documentation and you have refused. I've asked you to denounce the individuals the post is originally about and you have refused, I offered documentation but you pulled the classic shoot the messenger logical fallacy. It's a Trump playbook move where if I don't like the message, or the evidence, or the words, I either a) say it's fake or b) say it's biased. That way I don't have to provide any defense or counter-argument. I don't know what else you expect at this point.

Dallas K Pemberton the ones that I see staying are rich and famous or have needle markers on their arm or their teeth are rotting out of their mouths from meth. The people that I know that are from California have different levels of education. None of them are high school dropouts. Education has nothing to do with someone’s decision making ability’s. I’ve worked with people that had a masters degree and they were dumb as a box of rocks. I’ve also seen people that only had a high school education and they could use Auto CAD software. The ones that get out of California just want to get away from the place. I don’t blame them I would too. They can keep their high prices and drug addicts .

10ºErnest Grouns I am not distracting from anything. You named 3 (2 are questionable) that switched. I say that's absolutely no proof of this big switch you speak of. There is no proof of it. Southern Republicans now are not the Southern democrats of the past. There is no proof of this. You ARE insinuating that Republicans today are racist and democrats are not. Republicans want everyone
(including minorities) to have equal opportunity ( which they do) and not equal outcome. The democrats want the opposite. Hence the laws they pass to make sure of equal outcome like affirmative action. The democrats of today are just like dixiecrats of the past. They base everything off of race, sexual orientation and gender. They divide (segregate) people just like the democrats of the civil war Era. They lie about Republicans being racist with no proof and make them out to be evil. This is the tactics of the racist democrats of the past.