Biden poised to name Julie Chavez Rodriguez as 2024 campaign manager | CNN Politics

President Biden is poised to name Julie Chavez Rodriguez, a senior White House adviser, to manage his reelection campaign, sources tell CNN.


Nancy Ur you must not be from America if you believe he did any of the things you listed. Please turn of the news. Just read his kids labtop if you think he is a decent man. You know the one the media told you was Russian disinformation. Now that you’re aloud to know its real, you will see the truth about the entire disgusting biden family. Unfortunately you will still deny because you’re not allowed to think on your own. The media and your government won’t let you. Good luck and thanks for voting for this dementia patient, America is doing great and when china and Russia invaded us, ill make sure my kids instant message you a big thank you!

As this dementia patient is single handedly is destroying America, im amazed that there are people on here only saying that we need someone younger. have you bought anything lately, have you gassed your car, have you looked at your retirement, have you borrowed money from a bank, have you seen the 5 million illegals invading our country. Have you seen the trannies destroying records in women’s sports, have you seen all our enemies partnering up to destroy the dollar!!! I could keep going but you nutties simply think he’s too old. Now i see how hitler became so powerful, he preyed on the dummies and almost took over the world. Come on man!!!!

Nancy Ur oh lord Nancy, have you seen him get lost on the stage, shake hands with invisible people or try and decipher what he send when he doesn’t have a teleprompter in front of him. Come on man!! You can be that brian washed to deny his mental status. Hey please just do a little research yourself and read the book, the labtop from hell. Spells it all out of how bad the biden family is. Look the media finally admitted its authentic and your can read it. Also look up joes daughters diary. The media finally said that was real too. The disturbing part is when she said her dad took showers with her as she was older and was probably inappropriate. Joe is sick and always has been but somehow you will deny all of it. So good luck to you, keep your mask on. TaKe those boosters keep standing with Ukraine. Remember your government hates you!

Linda Burnett, 23, a resident of Minnesota, was visiting her in-laws and while there went to a nearby super-market to pick up some groceries. Later, her husband noticed her sitting in her car in the driveway with the car running and the windows rolled up. Her eyes closed with both hands behind the back of her head.
He became concerned and walked over to the car. He noticed that Linda's eyes were now open and she looked very strange. He asked her if she was okay; Linda replied that she had been shot in the back of the head and had been holding her brains in for over an hour (at least it seemed that way to her, it actually had been 15 minutes, she blamed the inability to tell time on her head injury).
The husband called the paramedics, who broke into the car because the doors were locked and Linda refused to move her hands.
When they finally got in, they found that Linda had a wad of bread dough on the back of her head. From the back seat a biscuit canister had exploded from the heat, making a loud noise that sounded like a gunshot, and the wad of dough hit her in the back of her head.
When she reached back to find out what it was, she felt the dough and thought it was her brains. She initially passed out, but quickly recovered.
Linda is blonde, a Democrat, and a Biden supporter; but that could all be a coincidence.
The defective biscuit canister was analyzed and it was determined to be Trump's fault.

Fox flip flop news says : " Gov DeSantis takes shot at Trump for Fauci’s role during admin’s coronavirus response " oh really: so if mousey De Santis was President then I guess He would have had NO Medical Advisor of a Virus that is worse than the Black Plague with Zero Vaxes and Zero Cures --- Covid was flat out KILLING People -- I'm sure Desantis was indeed ISOLATED , HIDING .. until a Vax was available ...President TRUMP got Covid when there were no approved cures , no safe vaccines..what did he do ? Fearless Trump used 3 unproven and dangerous Covid Cures on Himself First , untested cures and untested vaxes that the News Medias ALL said were Dangerous Untested possibly Microchip Infused Covid ?? maybe Cures ...Desantis would not of had the guts to take chloroquine..All USA News said Cloriquine Kills People ..well Trump Used it and Hes not dead ...De Santis would of not known what to do if He got Covid before Trump ..and based on Desantis Blood Type COVID with no Vax or Anti Viral would of flat out Killed Desantis === so if that's 'taken a "SHOT " then Fox you are weaker than weak , your pathetic ..
