Taylor Swift is sending a powerful message to women on the Eras tour | Analysis

"The crowd lost it. My jaw dropped. My gut clenched and braced itself for a blow," writes Emily Halnon.



Dana Renee I work in the construction industry. They have women all around me that are journeyman Craftsman. They make the same as the person next to them depending on Craft level. They take the same test for level pay. I know plenty of people in the medical industry as well my sister included who has been a registered nurse for over 30 years in the state of Minnesota. She makes the same amount as her coworkers. Like I said I have been in the work industry for 30 plus years I've never in my life ran across someone getting paid less because they were a female

Rico Lopez first of all, you clearly don’t know the meaning behind the use of the term “Karen.”
Secondly, you very much did imply that ALL women who make less than their male coworkers do so because of poor job performance and poor work ethic.
Women don’t just work 9-5 and call it a day. Most women work because they have families to care for. Which means they go home to more work; cooking, cleaning, laundry. Their weekends are spent doing the same. If their child is sick, they have to take off of work to care for said child. And you want to use poor work ethic as a justification for women being underpaid? Gtfoh.

Gina Villarreal Hey Venereal, read about Warren Farrell! Snippet..................Warren Farrell's latest book Why Men Earn More takes as its stunning argument the idea that bias-based unequal pay for women is largely a myth, and that women are most often paid less than men not because they are discriminated against, but because they have made lifestyle choices that affect their ability to earn.Why Men Earn More argues that while discrimination sometimes plays a part, both men and women unconsciously make trade-offs that affect how much they earn. Farrell clearly defines the 25 different workplace choices that affect women's and men's incomes -- including putting in more hours at work, taking riskier jobs or more hazardous assignments, being willing to change location, and training for technical jobs that involve less people contact -- and provides readers with specific, research-supported ways for women to earn higher pay.

Leighann Carroll a bunch of verbose bloviating as you didn’t address my points. It’s democrats who have safe spaces, feelings, think men can get pregnant, and twist reality to serve themselves.

To your points. Both sides settled. Happens a lot in litigation. Dominion settled and if they thought its case was great, they would have taken it to trial. That’s how litigation and settlements work.

You’re referring to BLM terrorism. Ok, we agree. No one approved of J6 but it was not an insurrection.

The tax breaks benefited many people besides the rich. Besides, how do you give a tax break to the large number of people that don’t even pay income tax. Yeah, the middle class benefitted as it pays the taxes along with the rich.

And you tell others to sit down. Looks like laughing is your best attribute. You’ll need it as democrats tank the USA.

Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate,
but that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.
It is not just in some; it is in everyone.

And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously give
other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.

Author: Marianne Williamson

The other day, my 9 year old told me she doesn't like Taylor anymore. I was honestly shocked, and asked her why? She couldn't answer. We had been dancing in our living room to Taylor Swift songs since she could walk. We put on some of her videos and let me tell you, my daughter broke out in smiles, singing and dancing. She confided, she actually loves Taylor Swift. The only thing I could think was that she was judged by someone for being a Taylor Swift fan. Listening to her songs, watching her videos, all I can say is she is a role model. She takes heartbreak and turns it into success. She takes on the "man" and speaks her mind about equality, and acceptance. She is unapologetically herself, and I love it ALL!

Linda Mason What men also do not consider when they tell women just to go out and get a job that pays better is that the many of caretakers in this country are also women. Things that many men take for granted like making sure the kids get on the bus, having to pick them up from school when they are sick, caretaking for disabled or elderly family members , doing groceries, making sure the house is picked up, getting kids to appointments, running errands, making sure homework is done and put in kids back packs daily, that all impacts your ability to work high paying jobs. I realize there are men who do help out and thank you from all the women in the country but for those who don't it's something to consider.

Billy BL Menard I've witnessed many men who were less competent and had equal seniority to some of the women in my department get promoted and get higher salaries before women who were moms or before even single women of equal seniority. Part of that came from women not having the confidence to apply for promotions as soon as they were eligible, but a lot of it came from the old boy's club. Women had to do more than male colleagues and do it better to get a promotion. If a man had kids, that was great. No one worried that having a family might take time away from his work. If a woman had kids, she had to be more productive than anyone to prove that being a mom wasn't causing her to slack off. I had taken at most one sick day per year for 17 years before I adopted my kids. Seven years after our adoption, one of my kids had a rather serious health problem that needed to be treated at a hospital that is 45 miles from our home. I was told by the dean that using four of my accumulated sick days for that indicated a problem with my work/life balance, even though our contract stipulated that employees could use their sick days to care for a child or other relative. Mothers were expected to bring their sick child to work and have them sleep in their office all day - even while they taught their classes. Men were expected to have their wives deal with kid problems. I got in trouble for scheduling a surgery I needed over part of spring break because I needed colleagues to sub for me for three days. How dare I take three sick days of the 50 or so I had accumulated after having rarely missed even one day per year for illness? The fact that I couldn't drive for five days after surgery (a friend took care of my kids who needed to get to school) didn't figure into their ire that I took some sick time. In my 40 years of work experience, men could pretty much do as they pleased and women had better not act as if family or their own health ever needed to come before their job.

Alex Rodriguez She is obviously agnostic, as she has written all about recently, so I don’t know why would would think she believes solidly in anything as silly as a religion. Any religion. Including satanism. You are insane. Go believe your little symbols from your little stories.

She is using the snake symbol because people were literally calling her a snake- thousands and thousands of comments calling her snake on all social media, right after the whole Kanye/Kim call fiasco. Pretty convenient that the symbol she is now using to show her, according to you, “satanism”( lol) happens to be the very symbol her enemies sent thousands of snake emojis with and she literally disappeared for a full year due to embarrassment over LMAO. She then regrouped and used the snake symbol to throw it back in her enemies’ faces… like have you been asleep? Her Reputation album came out in 2017 using her new snake imagery to make fun of her enemies. Tell you what. If you can show me ONE comment or post that you made about her use of snakes back in 2017 I will believe that you have legitimately been concerned about her snake imagery, but if you cannot…. We all will KNOW that you have jaut recently been activated by your crazy af conservative politicians to “care” about her snake imagery. All are such pawns. You are religion simp. And even worse than that, you are a conservative politicians’ simp. Blindly doing whatever they tell you to do. Go cry over your weak af conspiracy theories and fake books somewhere else.
