ISIS-K leader behind bombing at Kabul airport that killed 13 US service members killed by Taliban, White House says

The ISIS-K leader behind the deadly suicide bombing at the Kabul airport in 2021 was killed by the Taliban, the White House says


Najib Aziz The world is fed up, with Putin and the corrupt Kremlins.They are liars , evil, Killers ,thieves.and Nazi 's. The Russians soldiers from prisons ,have been ordered to kill all the Ukrainians, just like Hitler tried to do with the Jewish people. The evidences is there for the world to witness . Putin has been trying to convince the world that Ukraine has all these Nazis , when the evidence of Putin own actions is the same ,as Hitler. Deporting some Ukrainian Children to Russia ,then telling them they can no longer speak Ukrainian ,then they are forced to learn the Russian anthems ,when they are Ukrainians. Putin, is trying to destroy the race of the Ukrainians and that is pure evil. These Russian soldiers are told to destroy their museums , when there are no military base around these facilities .Then they lie that they are not targeting civilians.,when the evidences prove they are lying. They are psychopath liars that has , even stolen some of the Ukrainians possessions ,before they bomb their properties .They are thugs ,Godless people that only know how to terrorize, kill innocent people and steal their sovereign country. Soon, all ,those who are defending Putin's war ,will be regarded ,as very unethical people.
