Consumer confidence worsened in April as Americans became pessimistic about jobs | CNN Business

US consumer confidence worsened in April as Americans become more pessimistic about the job market.


What!? I thought Joe Biden said the economy was great! February 2023. We’ve created 12 million new jobs. A half a million jobs just last month. (Applause.)

And we’ve now created more jobs in two years — more jobs in two years than any President has created in a single four-year term.

Look, the unemployment rate is 3.4 percent, a 50-year low.

Gas prices are down more than $1.50, and we’re going to make sure the oil companies start playing their honest role. It’s going to go down further.

Inflation has fallen six months straight. And inflation is coming down, and take-home pay to workers is going up slightly.

Manufacturing is rebounding at the fastest rate in almost 40 years.

The economy is growing at a solid clip.

Folks, I hate to disappoint them, but the Biden economic plan is working. It’s working. (Applause.)

Scott Price:
1) Didn't Biden run on the campaign promise of "No More Fossil Fuels"? Didn't Biden say, "Read my lips. No more drilling"? Didn't Biden's administration put into place a moratorium on drilling permits for Federal land and the Gulf of Mexico? What does that sound like to you?
2) Fentanyl and the border were not as bad. Quit lying.
3) Didn't Putin take the Crimea when Obama was President? How come he didn't stop Putin. Funny how Putin waited until Biden was President to attack the Ukraine.
4) The Biden administration left military equipment behind because it was a "bums rush" out of Afghanistan against the Joint Chiefs of Staff advice.
You talk a lot but you have no idea what you are talking about.

Scott Price that was 2 years ago. Biden and the dems signed too many expensive bill packages in 2021 for you to still be blaming Trump. I love how dems say. The economy was great in 2019 because of Obama but awful directly after that because of Trump. Y’all just pick and choose which parts you like to credit your party. The effect of the global pandemic is one party wanted to keep things shut down and destroyed our supply chain and then decided to pump trillions into our economy to crank up demand while we had a supply shortage. Real brilliant
