Florida surgeon general altered Covid-19 vaccine analysis to suggest higher risk for younger men, Politico reports | CNN

Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo altered an analysis released by the Florida Department of Health last year to suggest mRNA Covid-19 vaccines pose a significant health risk to men ages 18 to 39, Politico reported.



Jonathan Martin In science, as in real science, there is no "narrative". It is an evidence-based study. It is made into a narrative when the current scientific thinking is politicized and weaponized. Will there always be 100% agreement among scientists? No. It seems like ever since George Carlin mentioned that politicians like to manipulate us (which is true), there seems to have been this worsening suspicion of governed society. But as we know, politicians of all stripes love power and money, and many do not hesitate to try to politicize issues to cause divisiveness. It can be hard to tell who is saying what and why. There have been plenty of instances where a scientist proposed something new that other people little understood initially, but later on, it was understood and accepted by the majority educated in that field. The most famous example of course is Albert Einstein. I also know of a mathematician (Galois) and he came up with a new mathematical theory that even the preemiment mathematicians of his day didn't understand and labeled non-sense. Well, it turned out not to be non-sense as decades later it was accepted as valid. Unfortunately, the poor guy wasn't around to defend himself because he was killed in a duel.

John Bender
From the link you so kindly shared, that just so happens to be the same article I used to gather my "false facts". Compare what I said to what your article says.

"AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. WHILE THE COUNTRY WILL WIDELY STOP PROVIDING THE VACINE TO THOSE UNDER 50 NEXT MONTH, anyone deemed to have a clinical need, such as those at risk of severe illness, as well as frontline healthcare workers and caregivers, will still be able to get the shot."

For one thing you gotta go further than the headline, John, And secondly AP's Fact Check is extremely misleading in as much as it has you believing that the vaccine is still freely available to all in the UK regardless of actual need.

Jonathan Martin Actually it isn't but that's ok if you think it is. Not every idea in science follows political lines. The COVID19 virus, HIV virus and every other potentially deadly disease out there doesn't care whether or not you are red or blue. It will infect you if you are susceptible, period. In fact, I'm a laboratory medicine physician so I understand a little about these vaccines. I'm not an expert, but I actually do have a working knowledge. Medicine isn't political - I know physicians who are conservatives and those who are liberals but we follow the same guidelines when treating patients.

Sardar Mesto noticed you said new data. Of course. There are different variants that have popped up over the years. Since I have no life, I've followed the research and studies as the variants have come along. Not tell the truth? All the studies have been published. That's where I get my information. But going back to the subject, this so called doctor adjusted the analyst to make the side effects look worse than they are. Forget a shot, people need to rely on correct information to make health choices and/or get a second opinion on a pharmaceutical. I don't want data and analyst based on what they want it so say.

It is settled science that the covid 19 vaccine causes myocarditis. This is in many published articles and is indeed stated on the CDC website. This is not conspiracy, this is what the science tells us. This article by CNN seems to insinuate that because someone's data moved from statistically significant to not significant that this somehow negates the fact the that it has been proven that the covid 19 vaccine causes myocarditis. This is not an article, it is emotional manipulation generator and its job is to get the angry and superior response we see here. But again, it doesn't change the fact that even the CDC says that it is true.

Chad Rentfro well we should definitely cut snap and government assistance. We've turned a whole generation into people having the government pay for them as opposed to having a sense of Pride and work ethic. Giving rich people tax cuts goes both ways and has zero to do with the middle class American it's only about giving more government assistance to those who don't work. As an American whether you're democrat or republican you should be concerned with the millions of people coming across our border annually the Giant uptick and crime where there are cities in this country you can't even walk in day or night and the fact that everything costs more and people are barely getting by. Oh and us fronting money for a foreign war when we should be spending that on ourselves here in America but also there are too many Republicans and Democrats that are warmongers and love war those people need to go

When a government function is loaded down with people not in the medical field, and they do things like this, that’s a story. When a vaccine is nothing more or similar to a Flu shot, your ignorantly beating a dead horse. With the creation of new document instruments, and a vaccine is being tied to a side. I am not going to believe none of the sources here. Instead I will seek out information from other countries based upon results. For example, trace testing of surfaces, if a country has that capability and we do not, well that is the country I am getting my information from. Instead of trying to control people, have qualified disease prevention experts instead of political agents and activists.

The virus has mutated again arcturus, and you have a group creating a nursery for it. IS that not genocide by proxy? We know more men died than women. WE know some genetics play into it. We know about long term COVID19 and what it does to someone. We know a variety of factors target African Americans and Latinos more with the virus. Determination is whether it is a perspective with data OR manipulation for a purpose in Florida... who wins if men do not vaccinate? Arcturus does sticky eyes---have not seen data yet if it causes blindness or limited vision. Are there minority areas fighting against developers in Florida about property?

Jonathan Martin Ok, but in my opinion that still doesn't meet the level of proof to draw any sweeping conclusions. Vaccines can have adverse effects for sure, no one is saying there are no adverse effects but it's important to consider why these vaccines are having adverse effects. Vaccines are just proteins from the virus or bacterium in question that is manufactured either in a lab or in mRNA form. The mRNA is an engineered form which is then read by the cells in your body to make a viral/bacterial surface protein. Your body then recognizes it as foreign and will mount an immune response in someone healthy. Same thing happens when you get the actual viral infection or bacterial infection except that when you get the real thing, there is an overwhelming amount of that same protein in your body. So, in theory, vaccinations can generate similar symptoms as the real infection except the amount of protein (antigen) generated is much less. This is why if you have the type of immune system that will cause myocarditis with a vaccine, chances are really good that you'll get the same but worse with the real infection. COVID19 is special in that it binds to a protein that's pretty universal in the body --- the COVID19 spike protein binds to ACE2 receptors which is found in abundance in the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, liver, kidney, brain among others. When the COVID19 causes an immune reaction, those antibodies generated by your body are actually attacking your own cells (lung, vessels etc) which is why COVID was so brutal. This is why other vaccines typically don't result in myocarditis.