Taylor Swift explains her hand injury | CNN

“It was all very Mercury in retrograde coded" she said. "Don’t worry about me I’m gooooood.”



Alex Rodriguez government? Alex the pages of history are being shown in real time by a media. A media which takes a big chunk. So let's hold everyone accountable not just the Government which I will remind you those are Americans as well mate. We need to see past the dark. We must have vision to wake up the subverts especially when we need everyone right now man. We are not alone. We can fix this all together. Sudan to Odesa, baja to Califa, you world to your neighbors. I can't make media focus its points. Taylor, Beyonce and Trump can but everyone makes its about them or media makes its about them. This is now not the past.

Cheryl Lynn I send monthly support funds to Planned Parenthood, Special Olympics, a local group that helps LGBTQ+ youth who have no homes and Wounded Warriors to name a few....the remark referring to your non - profit support obviously went way over your head, no surprise. It's nice you have some interests outside yourself.
* So,:what does ..'ntkjing' mean?
* ' I. mentioned' doesn't need the period between them.
* 'Adios, doesn't need a space before the comma.
* ' nerve eh?if ' needs a comma after nerve, and the I on 'if' should be capitalized and have a space before the start of a new sentence.
* There's no need for a comma after 'your'' in the last sentence.
Your highschool English teacher would be so proud.
And good luck holding onto your tentative (HEY! Another one for you to look up) grasp of self respect.

Cheryl Lynn No, you apparently enjoy pretending to be some pedantic (buy a dictionary and look it up) with a narcissistic (look that one up too) need to let everyone know how 'superior' you feel. Since you 'don't comment on everything in life I (you) dislike' I can't help but feel so very special that you commented on something I posted
My life is so generously blessed by your efforts.
Maybe it's time to adjust your meds.
No shame there.

Keep up the fundraising on your birthday for things like the Trevor Project and World Kitchen.... support for organizations like those make up for a general lack of character in so many people.
