Driver of SUV that crashed into a Massachusetts Apple store accelerated to 60 mph before deadly crash, prosecutor says | CNN

A man accused of driving an SUV into a Hingham, Massachusetts, Apple store last year -- killing one person and injuring 22 others -- now faces more than two dozen additional charges.


Randy Newell Here's a reality check for how ridiculous you are. I never said any of that. You did. I've worked in the legal profession most of my adult life. I don't watch one media channel or even just U.S. channels. I can skim a news aggregate site's headlines and immediately spot something that's nonsense and invariably it's one of Rupert Murdoch's companies like Fox or The Sun. Everything that happened with Trump I was right about from the beginning because I saw it for what it was and I not only followed the media reports but the court cases. A Fox "News"-planted impression meant to keep you angry and monetize your hate isn't something I fall for. And getting back to the original post since you seem to want to spend your entire day arguing with people here when you don't have a leg to stand on, what's wrong with reasonable background checks on guns and a ban on assault rifles? Go hunting, I don't care, but why should an idiot with a grudge be empowered to shoot up entire classrooms. I didn't grow living in fear of that. It wasn't even a thing. But look at the reality of today. Something's wrong and needs to be changed or people are going to get shot for a messed up Starbucks order. Fox creates paranoia and distrust and in conjunction with the GOP (my former party) have us living in a fact-free reality where anything they can get a sizeable portion of the population to believe is enough. You're never going to change outcomes (shootings) until you change something and stop making excuses like you do. As someone else pointed out, we DO have reasonable restrictions on cars and who can operate them. We used to have that on guns and it was lifted and look at us now. Other countries found the same. But you spew this non-sense fed to you without you even considering whether it's real. And for what? Who are you protecting? Who benefits? If anything can be done to stop one more mass shooting, shouldn't it be? School-age kids should NEVER have to even be considering this, let alone living in fear of it. With that, say all you want. We're done. I'm not interested in wasting anymore time on you, and you're blocked.
