Former Vice President Pence testifies to federal grand jury investigating Donald Trump and January 6 | CNN Politics

In a historic moment, former Vice President Mike Pence went under oath in the federal criminal probe into the actions of Donald Trump and his allies after the 2020 election


Biden blamed for slowdown in senators' bid to save Social Security: 'Never made himself available'

"President Biden has never made himself available to hear about the Cassidy-King proposal to save Social Security from impending 24% benefit cuts," Cassidy said. "Biden calls himself a deal maker; we can’t make a deal without him. By not engaging, the president is choosing that current retirees’ Social Security benefits are cut by 24%."

I think it got kind of hijacked by folks running for higher office, who are suggesting that any attempt to improve Social Security would be seen as an attack on Social Security – and that's not fair to the American public," Rounds said. "I think it does the American public a real disservice."

Social Security is a critical lifeline for working-class people, and we strongly condemn any action to cut it, including raising the retirement age," the Maine AFL-CIO told the Maine Beacon earlier this month.

It's one of the topics I'd like to see us address. We're not going to cut benefits for anybody that's in retirement or near retirement, that's clear. But make sure that we save the system from a 25% cut, when the trust fund runs out in about a decade, is our priority," Romney Said..

Mr. Pence this is about the best thing you can do, tell the truth. History will judge you as someone who did the right thing after all the wrong, especially your unwavering support of a white supremacist-traitor-rapist who lost an election and instigated an insurrection. You’ll never be president because the people who you seek support from want you to hang. This is your legacy. As the late Tucker Carlson said: When honest people say what’s true, calmly and without embarrassment, they become powerful. At the same time, the liars, who have been trying to silence them, shrink and they become weaker. That’s the iron law of the universe. True things prevail. Where can you still find Americans saying true things? There aren’t many places left, but there are some. And that’s enough. As long as you can hear the words, there is hope. See you soon.” Lmao

As an AI language model, I don't hold personal beliefs or opinions. However, I don't see any clear bias in this article. The article reports on the testimony of Former Vice President Mike Pence to a federal grand jury investigating the aftermath of the 2020 election and the actions of then-President Donald Trump and others. It provides details of the court battle between Trump and Pence to hold off the subpoena and the decision by a federal judge to compel Pence to recount conversations the two men had where Trump may have been acting corruptly. It also gives information on what is known about Trump's communications with Pence leading up to the January 6 insurrection, including details from Pence's memoir and people who testified in the House probe into the attack. Overall, the article appears to present a balanced and factual account of the situation

He is nothing but one of their Puppets along with many more their Puppets. Democrats and Republicans is no more such a thing because they have all gathered up together. On destroying the United States of America. And us as they have already turned everything over to their puppets that they opened up our borders and told them to come on in. Not giving our own people that has lived and worked all their lives for. So next time you are in a grocerie store and you see a old couple with a hand full of things. And then in-between them and u. U see them with 2 or 3 groceries carts full and when time for them to pay they pull out their food stamp card and smile. But the worst thing about this is we have been took over from with in our own borders people. And that is what he is. Helping them to finish their take over

He WROTE A BOOK ABOUT IT -do peeople understand WHY these amoral people do not want to testify to anyone foe the GOOD OF THE COUNTRY-they do not get paid- they will uincur the wrath the ire of the TRAITOR THEY SAW that day and every day in office- Traitor trump will pay for his crimes- soon and Georgia and the DOJ will have him in PRISON hopefully annd maybe America will be safe -four years of terror is too much for the rest of us to go through again with that amoral corrupt evil little dictator- he is evil pure evil

Katherine Fuller well they probably are but even without that, Donald Trump is going nowhere towards the White House in 2024. Only a handful of completely delusional people living in fantasyland, actually think Trump could possibly win.  My dog could run against Donald Trump in 2024 as a Democrat and still win. Nobody wants him back except for his cult. It’s not happening it’s not gonna happen.  All Donald Trump is doing is wasting peoples hard earned money.
Trump has proven himself to be too toxic too much of a traitor, to hateful towards his own country, too hateful of anybody outside of his fan club and too much of a complete self obsessed narcissist, to attract anybody with a heart and soul. 

Add to that, the biggest screwup the Republicans ever could possibly make, and that is doing away with Roe versus Wade .  The only thing that really accomplished, was awaken a huge voting block who will vote for a Democrat just out of the anger about that alone.  Not to mention a growing frustration about gun violence, and the Republicans head the sand attitude about that and the complete craziness coming out of the Republican led Congress. 

Our unfair presidential election system can lead to politicians and their enablers who appreciate unfairness, which leads to more unfairness, and recently crimes and violence.

Now we need to guarantee the candidate who wins the most popular votes among all 50 states and DC always wins the presidency.
Every vote in every state would matter and count equally as 1 vote in the national total.
State legislators in states with 75 more electoral votes are needed to enact the National Popular Vote bill.

We have 519,682 elected officials in this country, and all of them are elected by who gets the most votes. Except for President and VP.

The sheer magnitude of the national popular vote number, compared to individual (especially battleground) state vote totals, is much more robust against “pure insanity,” deception, manipulation, and recently, crimes and violence.

If as few as 11,000 voters in Arizona (11 electors), 12,000 in Georgia (16), and 22,000 in Wisconsin (10) had not voted for Biden, or partisan officials did not certify the actual counts -- Trump would have won despite Biden's nationwide lead of more than 7 million.
The Electoral College would have tied 269-269.
Congress, with only 1 vote per state, would have decided the election, regardless of the popular vote in any state or throughout the country.

In 2016, Trump won the Presidency because he won Michigan by 11,000 votes, Wisconsin by 23,000 votes, and Pennsylvania by 44,000 votes.
Each of these 78,000 votes was 36 times more important than Clinton's nationwide lead of 2,868,686 votes.

States with 270+ Electoral College votes are agreeing to award them to the winner of the most popular votes from all 50 states and DC, by simply changing their state’s current district or statewide winner-take-all law.

All votes would be valued equally in presidential elections, no matter where voters live.

No more distorting, crude, and divisive red and blue state maps of predictable outcomes, that don’t represent any minority party voters within each state.
No more handful of 'battleground' states (where the two major political parties happen to have similar levels of support) where voters and policies are more important than those of the voters in 38+ predictable winner states that have just been 'spectators' and ignored after the conventions.
We can limit the outsized power and influence of a few battleground states in order to better serve our nation.

The constitutional wording does not encourage, discourage, require, or prohibit the use of any particular method for awarding a state's electoral votes.

There is nothing in the Constitution that prevents states from making the decision now that winning the national popular vote is required to win the Electoral College and the presidency.

It is perfectly within a state’s authority to decide that national popularity is the overriding substantive criterion by which a president should be chosen.

Because of current state-by-state statewide winner-take-all laws, not mentioned, much less endorsed, in the Constitution. . .

Presidential elections, campaigns, and governance are distorted by the concentration of attention on just a few states.

Before anti-democracy Republicans, and new voter suppression and election subversion laws, based on the Big Lie/Big Grift, the system with 2020 election laws meant that the winning 2024 presidential candidate could need a national popular vote win of 5 percentage points or more in order to squeak out an Electoral College victory.

The new presidential electoral map is more favorable to Republicans by a net six points.

The 2024 presidential race could be reduced to 15% of the US, in 4 - 6 remaining competitive battleground states, with as few as 43 electoral votes, where virtually all attention will be focused - Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin.

Arizona, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin were the top three most litigious states in 2022 in regards to elections. This trio of battleground states accounted for over 40% of all the election and voting lawsuits filed. Arizona topped the list, with 35 lawsuits, Pennsylvania 21 and Wisconsin 16. – Democracy Docket

234 Trump Article III judgeship nominees were confirmed by the US Senate

Lastenia Kucherov Dardano Well, Latrina- Hunter Biden! Hunter Biden! Hunter Biden! Squawk polly want a cracker. Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Squawk polly want a cracker. Obama! Obama! Obama! Squawk polly want a cracker. Hunter Biden! Hunter Biden! Hunter Biden! Squawk polly want a cracker. Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Squawk polly want a cracker. Obama! Obama! Obama! Squawk polly want a cracker. Hunter Biden! Hunter Biden! Hunter Biden! Squawk polly want a cracker. Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Squawk polly want a cracker.Obama! Obama! Obama! Squawk polly want a cracker. Hunter Biden! Hunter Biden! Hunter Biden! Squawk polly want a cracker. Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Squawk polly want a cracker.Obama! Obama! Obama! Squawk polly want a cracker. Hunter Biden! Hunter Biden! Hunter Biden! Squawk polly want a cracker. Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Squawk polly want a cracker.Obama! Obama! Obama! Squawk polly want a cracker. Hunter Biden! Hunter Biden! Hunter Biden! Squawk polly want a cracker. Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Squawk polly want a cracker.Obama! Obama! Obama! Squawk polly want a cracker. Hunter Biden! Hunter Biden! Hunter Biden! Squawk polly want a cracker. Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Squawk polly want a cracker.Obama! Obama! Obama! Squawk polly want a cracker. Hunter Biden! Hunter Biden! Hunter Biden! Squawk polly want a cracker. Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Squawk polly want a cracker.Obama! Obama! Obama! Squawk polly want a cracker. Hunter Biden! Hunter Biden! Hunter Biden! Squawk polly want a cracker. Hillary! Hillary! Hillary! Squawk polly want a cracker.Obama! Obama! Obama! Squawk polly want a cracker.