These Ukrainian veterinarians are risking their lives to care for dogs and cats in the war zone | CNN

These Ukrainian veterinarians are risking their lives to care for dogs and cats in the war zone


A solemn vow on your up-coming counter-offensive Ukraine

Your family, the West is with me today.
Everday, I think of what Ukraine did on that bridge, in those streets, the marshes and in the air and sea. The hospitals, the factories producing ammo and the transports. The leaders. The reporters. The priests, and the children.

The West will try and live our lives the best we can. I hope that is enough. I hope that, at least in your eyes, the West has earned what all of you have done for all of us.

We will carry on.

On the day of Ukraine's counter-offensive, the West will turn and face Ukraine, come to the position of attention, and raise a salute to the brow for one minute.

Slava Ukraini.

Joe Biden’s administration says that the US does not have “extra” ATACMS missiles, and the F-16 aren’t a priority for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. These refusal motives are not genuine. This is not a sincere position. These are excuses. The real motives are Joe Biden’s fear for his life. This is a completely imaginary and shame fear: as much as Putin wants to kill Joe Biden, he will not do it, because Putin is convinced that if he does, he will die from the worst torture in history. He is deathly afraid and therefore limits himself to the fact that every time he sends his natural needs to the picks of Joe Biden. For Ukraine, ATACMS missiles are not superfluous by definition: the nuclear state US is not in particular danger now, as the obligation to save people is provided by US law, and failure to fulfill this obligation under US law is a crime. The same applies to the UK. Who “proved” that F-16 jets are not a priority for Ukraine? Where is the PhD work? Is this said by “professionals” from some worthless institute of nonsense, “brilliant” advisers who completely lost the war to the Vietnamese guerrillas, or as cowardly an adviser to the President of the US as the timely fired fool adviser from the movie "Independence Day", whose already pore mind was frozen with fright? Are these “the geniuses” who said that Ukraine would last three days? In what “eighth” place are the F-16 jets for Ukraine? Where is the Nobel Prize for this discovery? The priority exists under the conditions when, due to the lack of weapons, it’s necessary - it’s clear that it’s forced - to choose from the types of weapons those that are more effective, more urgent. But the US and the UK have enough weapons not to find out which they would be forced to give priority. The priority exists also under the conditions (in the sense) when there is a military tactical need for alternate addition of weapons of various types. But from the point of view of military science, it‘s obvious that all types of weapons must be used synchronously and simultaneously in the complex to achieve effectiveness. So there are no priorities here either. Complex, coordinated, synchronous and simultaneous use of weapons is not prioritized over non-complex, non-synchronous, non-coordinated, non-simultaneous use, but instead is solely scientific use. It is obvious. If the Ukrainian authorities talk about priority types of weapons, it‘s not because the authorities believe that there are priorities, but because the authorities are afraid of appearing arrogant and getting even less than if the type of “priorities” were “defined” by them. If this is the case, then we ask the Ukrainian authorities to change their tactics to a firmer one, because the assumed tactics, whatever their motives, goals and other circumstances, work so-so and is not immutable. There is a duty to rescue people under US law, and failure to do so is a crime under US law. Russia's war against Ukraine is an inevitable consequence of the fraud in the form of the Budapest Memorandum and the refusal of Merkel and France to accept Ukraine into NATO. Policy of appeasement of Hitlers doesn’t work. The world now has exactly what it “wanted”. And will have much “more” if he does not turn on his brain and get rid of an absurd fear, namely the senseless & harmful doctrine of non-provocation of Putin’s Russia. Without the presence of F-16 jets in Ukraine, Russia will cause enormous damage. This will stop with the supply of the F-16 jets. Ukrainian pilots will fully master the F-16 jets in two months at most. This is easy to prove on simulators, simulators and F-16 jets. The Foreign Legion also invites. There is no need to delay what is urgent and inevitable. Thank you. President Joe Biden Joe Biden
U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)
U.S Army
U.S. Army Chief of Staff
U.S. Department of State
The White House
The Joint Staff
U.S. European Command (EUCOM)
Vice President Kamala Harris
Speaker Kevin McCarthy
Senate GOP
U.S. Senate Democrats
House Democrats
House Republicans
Michael McCaul
Senator Mitch McConnell
Senator Jim Risch
Willard Mitt Romney
Rep Tim Walberg
Gregory Meeks
Senator Richard Blumenthal
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse
Lindsey Graham
Mike Rogers
Kay Granger
Christopher Gerard Cavoli
Mike Turner
Chris Stewart
Rep. Darin LaHood
Senator Tommy Tuberville
Senator Jeanne Shaheen
Lisa Murkowski
Senator Mark Kelly
Senator Tammy Duckworth
Timothy Michael «Tim» Kaine
Senator Martin Heinrich
Офіс Президента України
Міністерство закордонних справ України / MFA of Ukraine
Резніков Олексій
Міністерство оборони України

Joe Biden’s administration says that the US does not have “extra” ATACMS missiles, and the F-16 aren’t a priority for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. These refusal motives are not genuine. This is not a sincere position. These are excuses. The real motives are Joe Biden’s fear for his life. This is a completely imaginary and shame fear: as much as Putin wants to kill Joe Biden, he will not do it, because Putin is convinced that if he does, he will die from the worst torture in history. He is deathly afraid and therefore limits himself to the fact that every time he sends his natural needs to the picks of Joe Biden. For Ukraine, ATACMS missiles are not superfluous by definition: the nuclear state US is not in particular danger now, as the obligation to save people is provided by US law, and failure to fulfill this obligation under US law is a crime. The same applies to the UK. Who “proved” that F-16 jets are not a priority for Ukraine? Where is the PhD work? Is this said by “professionals” from some worthless institute of nonsense, “brilliant” advisers who completely lost the war to the Vietnamese guerrillas, or as cowardly an adviser to the President of the US as the timely fired fool adviser from the movie "Independence Day", whose already pore mind was frozen with fright? Are these “the geniuses” who said that Ukraine would last three days? In what “eighth” place are the F-16 jets for Ukraine? Where is the Nobel Prize for this discovery? The priority exists under the conditions when, due to the lack of weapons, it’s necessary - it’s clear that it’s forced - to choose from the types of weapons those that are more effective, more urgent. But the US and the UK have enough weapons not to find out which they would be forced to give priority. The priority exists also under the conditions (in the sense) when there is a military tactical need for alternate addition of weapons of various types. But from the point of view of military science, it‘s obvious that all types of weapons must be used synchronously and simultaneously in the complex to achieve effectiveness. So there are no priorities here either. Complex, coordinated, synchronous and simultaneous use of weapons is not prioritized over non-complex, non-synchronous, non-coordinated, non-simultaneous use, but instead is solely scientific use. It is obvious. If the Ukrainian authorities talk about priority types of weapons, it‘s not because the authorities believe that there are priorities, but because the authorities are afraid of appearing arrogant and getting even less than if the type of “priorities” were “defined” by them. If this is the case, then we ask the Ukrainian authorities to change their tactics to a firmer one, because the assumed tactics, whatever their motives, goals and other circumstances, work so-so and is not immutable. There is a duty to rescue people under US law, and failure to do so is a crime under US law. Russia's war against Ukraine is an inevitable consequence of the fraud in the form of the Budapest Memorandum and the refusal of Merkel and France to accept Ukraine into NATO. Policy of appeasement of Hitlers doesn’t work. The world now has exactly what it “wanted”. And will have much “more” if he does not turn on his brain and get rid of an absurd fear, namely the senseless & harmful doctrine of non-provocation of Putin’s Russia. Without the presence of F-16 jets in Ukraine, Russia will cause enormous damage. This will stop with the supply of the F-16 jets. Ukrainian pilots will fully master the F-16 jets in two months at most. This is easy to prove on simulators, simulators and F-16 jets. The Foreign Legion also invites. There is no need to delay what is urgent and inevitable. Thank you. Dalia Grybauskaitė
Bild DW (Deutsche Welle)
The New York Times
Washington Post
Voice of America
The Wall Street Journal
POLITICO Bloomberg
BBC News Daily Mail Sky News
The Guardian Reuters UK
Financial Times
The Economist The Times and The Sunday Times
Le Figaro Le Parisien
Le Monde FRANCE 24 Aamulehti
Etelä-Suomen Sanomat
El País El País Cali
El Mundo
The Globe and Mail
National Post Le Devoir

" Order out of chaos "

The demonic cult ( the biggest liars, hypocrites, psychopaths, evils, criminals, inhumans, demons ) can't establish the big demonic orders in a peaceful situation of the world. So they continue create artificially the big cursed demonic situations in the world one by one.

For example, they create artificial/fake/evil problems (fake viruses), then they create artificial/fake/evil reactions (fake dramas, deaths & pandemics) & then they create artificial/fake/evil solutions (the most dangerous & silent poisonous vaccines).
And now they are playing the evil war games for establishing their specific demonic orders killing innocent people.

They killed millions of people in WW1 and WW2. But now they are plotting to kill billions of people through WW3.
